pix_openni (0.12 experimenting...) ====================================== pure data / Gem external to get multiple Kinect rgb and depth streams, single device skeleton tracking and hand tracking * depends on OpenNI, NITE, SensorKinect 2011/2012 by Matthias Kronlachner __________________________________________________________ ::INSTALL:: tested under Ubuntu, OSX 10.8.2 and Windows 7 OSX: you don't have to compile the external for yourself -> use included binaries from build folder (copy pix_openni.pd_darwin in pix_openni folder) you still need OpenNI, NITE and SensorKinect!! * download latest OpenNI and NITE unstable build for OSX from http://www.openni.org/Downloads/OpenNIModules.aspx, sudo ./install.sh in the extracted folders * install SensorKinect from https://github.com/avin2/SensorKinect WINDOWS: you don't have to compile the external for yourself -> use included binaries from build folder (copy pix_openni.dll in pix_openni folder) install OpenNI, NITE and SensorKinect http://www.openni.org/Downloads/OpenNIModules.aspx (OpenNI Binaries, unstable, x86 - 32 bit) Binary of NITE http://www.openni.org/Downloads/OpenNIModules.aspx (OepnNI Compiliant Middleware Binaries, x86 - 32 Bit) Binary of avin2 / SensorKinect https://github.com/avin2/SensorKinect/downloads SensorKinect093-Bin-Win32-v5.1.2.1.msi Linux: * get/install pd and Gem (http://puredata.info) * get and install OpenNI, NITE and the hacked Primesense Kinect driver --> instruction: https://github.com/avin2/SensorKinect http://www.openni.org/Downloads/OpenNIModules.aspx * edit Makefile for right path to Gem, pd and OpenNI sources * #.../pix_openni> make * have a look at the pix_openni-help.pd file! :: Usage :: * Have a look at my pd-kinect-examples at Github: http://github.com/kronihias/pd-kinect-examples Hand Tracking: to track multiple Hands edit following File: /usr/etc/primesense/Hands_*/Nite.ini and add or uncomment: [HandTrackerManager] AllowMultipleHands=1 TrackAdditionalHands=1 _________________ Changelog 0.12 * multiple Kinect support (just for rgb/depth capture, not for tracking -> OpenNI limitation!) 0.11 * improved playback/record functionality -> now it is possible to switch between live and playback * bugfixes 0.10 * various bugfixes * depth_output simplified - just rgba and yuv available -> * ATTENTION INCOMPABILITY: "viewable" depth output outsourced into pix_depth2rgba * record and playback functionality * user coloring * skeleton settable smoothing factor 0.03 * switchable OSC Style output of tracking data /skeleton/joint/r_hand id x y z, /hand/coords id x y z * switchable real-world coordinate output in [mm] * switchable registration between rgb image and depth image -> change point of view from depth camera to match with rgb image (overlay) * improved help file 0.02 * OSX binaries * output rgb and depth stream simultaneously * hand tracking * change image and depth modes * init without .xml init file * fixed depth to rgb conversion for output_mode 1 & 2 0.01 * skeleton and rgb or depth stream output ________________ :::THINGS TO DO::: * playback speed is still a mystery! * motor and led control as well as audio is currently not supported from SensorKinect you can do that with pd external freenect: http://github.com/kronihias/freenect questions: m.kronlachner@gmail.com
pure data / Gem external to get Kinect rgb and depth streams, skeleton tracking, hand tracking
Pure Data