
Game of life - NodeJS AngularJS Kata

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Game Of Life - Kata

(Angela Rojas)

General installation instructions:

Install build essentials:

$sudo apt-get install build-essential

Install NODE and NPM

Fastest way is to use apt-get but adding the correct sources:

$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_4.x | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

It may be important to update npm:

$ npm install npm@2 -g

For Tests

For running tests, we will use GRUNT (JS task runner) so we need to install it globally:

$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli


In order to install dependencies and other external required modules, cd into each server and client folders and run:

$ npm install

Client uses Bower to keep track of required packages, so we need Bower installed globally as well:

$ sudo npm install -g bower

Now cd into the client folder and install the bower packages defined in the bower.json file with:

$ bower install