Scrabble Tetris

This is a game designed for the user to build a 3 letter word or better by only using the falling letters on the screen. You have one minute to make words by hitting the corresponding key on your keyboard, and hit enter to submit said word. You need to achieve 50pts or more in the alotted time or you will lose. You can only submit one wrong word, more than one wrong word and you will lose the game.

Feel free to try it out here

Built With

  • JavaScript
  • HTML / CSS
  • Canvas
  • Python for importing dictionary .txt


Dali Rojas


  • Ironhack

Improvements To-Do List

  • Refactor code
  • Expand the width of the grid for more letters to fall
  • Show submitted words on screen / word bank
  • Increase timer every 5 words or every 7 letter word