
Topic Modelling on the data set by Yelp using LDA , Word2Vec and Doc2Vec in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Data Modelling on the data set by Yelp using Python.

For full details [View Report Here]

Dataset: Yelp Open Dataset [https://www.yelp.com/dataset]

The Yelp dataset is a subset of Yelp's businesses, reviews, and user data for use in personal, educational, and academic purposes. Available as JSON files, use it to teach students about databases, to learn NLP, or for sample production data while you learn how to make mobile apps.

To prepare the data:

Get the mongodb dump files from : [https://unl.box.com/s/0zjl0n1sl46zgkinqscrtn5m6519zaz4]


Get the data from [https://www.yelp.com/dataset/download]

Run the scripts in the order:

  1. import_script.ps1
  2. 00_data_preprocessing.js
  3. 01_part1_embed_reviews_on_business.py
  4. 01_part2_business_with_reviews.js

The data is now ready for processing.

Helper scripts (if required):

  1. csv_to_json.py
  2. json_to_mongodb.py

Author: Rojina Deuja Last Update: 04-28-2020