
Spring initialization PoC

Primary LanguageJava

Spring initialization

The aim of this PoC is to better understand the order in which things gets initialized in a spring boot application. The application has

  • a InitializationApplication SpringBootApplication
  • a RuntimeBean Component
  • a InitializationApplicationTests SpringBootTest
  • a TestBean Bean declared in the TestConfiguration

Run the tests by executing

mvn test 


By checking the logs we can see that the initialization order is as follows:

Run tests

Test class

  • initialization methods
  • @BeforeAll method
  • constructor

spring application config loading

Runtime component

  • static initialization methods
  • constructor
  • @PostConstruct method

spring test config loading

Test component

  • static initialization methods
  • constructor
  • @PostConstruct method

test execution

Test class

  • @PostConstruct method
  • @BeforeEach method
  • @AfterEach method

if @DirtiesContext & spring context needs reloading

(Note that no static methods are called during context reloading)

Runtime component

  • constructor
  • @PostConstruct method

Test component

  • constructor
  • @PostConstruct method

Test class

  • @PostConstruct method
  • @BeforeEach method
  • @AfterEach method