A django rest framework adapter for Inertia https://inertiajs.com/
- Python (2.7, 3.3+)
- Django (1.11, 2.2, 3.0)
- Django REST Framework (2.4, 3.0, 3.1)
Install using pip
$ pip install django-rest-inertia
The following settings can be used:
# the version to use for ASSET VERSIONING
INERTIA_VERSION # default: "unversioned"
# the HTML template for interia requests (can be overridden by the @intertia decorator)
INERTIA_HTML_TEMPLATE # default: 'index.html'
# the django template var the inertia json should be set to
INERTIA_TEMPLATE_VAR # default: 'inertia_json'
# A serializer that is passed the request as its "instance". The serialized values are
# added to the props of every inertia response (except where 'only' is specified)
INERTIA_SHARED_SERIALIZER # default: 'drf_inertia.serializers.DefaultSharedSerializer'
# The exception handler for inertia requests
# ensures that exceptions are returned in interia
# format
INERTIA_EXCEPTION_HANDLER # default: 'drf_inertia.exceptions.DefaultExceptionHandler'
# The auth redirect is used in the default exception handler
# to determine where to go when 401 or 403 errors are raised
INERTIA_AUTH_REDIRECT # default: '/login'
# if AUTH_REDIRECT_URL_NAME is specified use django.urls.reverse
# to get the AUTH_REDIRECT instead
Non-inertia settings:
# To use inertia as it is with Laravel and Rails you should be using
# Session Authentication
# The default CSRF header name passed by axios
# The default CSRF cookie name that axios looks up
To use django-inertia-rest, decorate your views with the @inertia
passing it the frontend component:
from rest_framework import views, viewsets
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
from drf_inertia.decorators import inertia
# on a function based view:
def get_users(request, **kwargs):
return Response(data={"users": []})
# on a class based view:
class UsersView(views.APIView):
def get(self, request, **kwargs):
return Response(data={"users": []})
Both these views would return the following:
GET: http://example.com/users
Accept: text/html, application/xhtml+xml
X-Inertia: true
X-Inertia-Version: unversioned
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"component": "User/List",
"props": {
"users": []
"url": "/users",
"version": "unversioned"
Note that if you make a request to the API without the X-Inertia
headers and using an Accept
header that does not include html,
then you will get a response as though there is no @inertia
GET: http://example.com/users
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"users": []
For ViewSets, each action may need a different component:
# on a viewset:
@inertia("User/List", retrieve="Users/Detail")
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = User.objects.all()
Or you can use the @component
from drf_inertia.decorators import inertia, component
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = User.objects.all()
def retrieve(self, request, pk=None):
return Response(data=user_data)
Shared data is added using a SharedSerializer. A default implementation DefaultSharedSerializer is provided which includes errors and flash data.
The flash data makes use of Django's messages framework:
from django.contrib import messages
class UserList(APIView):
def get(self, request):
messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, 'Got users.')
return Response(data=UserSerializer(User.objects.all(), many=True).data)
# GET /users
"component": "User/List",
"props": {
"users": [...],
"flash": {"info": "Got users."}
"url": "/users",
"version": "unversioned"
Inertia decorated views also have a custom exception handler set. This will catch exceptions, add errors to request.session, and return a 303 response as the inertia protocol demands.
By default the redirect will be to the current request.path but you can override this in your view using set_error_redirect.
Errors added to djangos "request.session" object will show up in the errors field in GET responses via the DefaultSharedSerializer.
from drf_inertia.exceptions import set_error_redirect
class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
# ...
def create(self, request):
set_error_redirect(request, '/users/create) # or reverse('users-create')
# this will invoke the inertia exception handler
# which adds the error to the session and redirects
# back to the request.path
raises ValidationError("Cannot create user")
# POST /users {"name": "John Smith", "email": "P@ssword"}
# 303 See Other
# Location: /users/create
# GET /users/create
"component": "User/Create",
"props": {
"users": [...],
"errors": ["Cannot create user"]
"url": "/users/create",
"version": "unversioned"
Install testing requirements.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run with runtests.
$ ./runtests.py
You can also use the excellent tox testing tool to run the tests against all supported versions of Python and Django. Install tox globally, and then simply run:
$ tox
To build the documentation, you’ll need to install mkdocs
$ pip install mkdocs
To preview the documentation:
$ mkdocs serve
Running at:
To build the documentation:
$ mkdocs build