
How to build

  • If you have eclipse installed you can import a maven project if not use pom.xml to get the dependencies and the code in Toy0Store/src/ folder to bilud the project.

  • Change the database credentials in "src/main/resources/" Example:

  • Run the project as a Java application


  • List all categories
	Send GET request to /categories
  • List one category
	Send GET request to /categories/{id}
  • Add category
    Send Post request to /categories
    # the Post request contains a JSON file represnting
    # a category. example:  
        "name": "board Games",
        "id": 3
  # note: id can be null or any number the database auto increament the id
  • Update category
    Send PUT request to /categories/{id}
    # the PUT request contains a JSON file represnting
    # a category. example:   
        "name": "board Games",
        "id": 3
  # note: id can be null or any number the category with the id in the url gets modified
  • Delete category
	Send DELETE request to /categories/{id}
  • List all products
	Send GET request to /products
  • List one product
	Send GET request to /products/{id}
  • List products by category
	Send GET request to categories/{id}/products
  • Add product
    Send Post request to /products
    # the Post request contains a JSON file represnting
    # a product. example:  
        "categoryID": 4,
        "name": "fifa18",
        "id": 2,
        "description": "football",
        "price": 1000
  # note: id can be null or any number the database auto increament the id categoryID must be provided
  • Update product
    Send PUT request to /products/{id}
    # the PUT request contains a JSON file represnting
    # a product. example:   
        "categoryID": 4,
        "name": "fifa18",
        "id": 2,
        "description": "football",
        "price": 1000
  # note: id can be null or any number the category with the id in the url gets modified
  • Delete product
	Send DELETE request to /products/{id}