
The Objective-C Style Guide used by Badoo

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Badoo Objective-C Style Guide

This style guide outlines the coding conventions used at Badoo. This style guide is based on the NYTimes Objective-C Style Guide.


Here are some of the documents from Apple that informed the style guide. If something isn't mentioned here, it's probably covered in great detail in one of these:

Table of Contents


Since Xcode 6.3, Apple has introduced nullability annotations to the Objective-C compiler. This allows for a more expressive API and it is specially important for Objective-C code 'seen' from Swift.

We want to enforce usage of this annotations for all code, be it application level or iOS Badoo platform level.

The adoption of annotations is straightforward. The standard we adopt is using the NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN and NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END on all headers. Then indicate nullability for the pointers that can be so.

Let's review how you can use it in an actual example:

// MyClass.h


@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *myString; //Assumed non-nil
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL myBoolean;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly, nullable) NSString *myOtherString;

// Weak properties must be nullable. Compiler will not complain if never set to nil by
// the programmer. If not annotated as nullable, property still set to nil by runtime
@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id delegate; though.

- (instancetype)initWithString:(NSString *)string otherString:(nullable NSString *)otherString;



// MyClass.m


// Don't forget to annotate class extensions and categories
@interface MyClass()


@implementation MyClass

There is not much to these annotations but you need to be aware of:

  • Annotations don't change the generated code.
  • Weak properties: They are nullified by the runtime. If not annotated with nil, API does not express intent fully. Only generates a warning when explicitly set to nil - example
  • There is mostly no sense using nullability annotations outside of interface declarations.

###Gotcha Nullability is just an annotation for the compiler. This means that runtime code does not change and there are times that annotation can receive (or return) differently as annotated. Here is an example:

// Your object


@interface ViewController : UIViewController
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *nonNullString;


// Then you use it as:
NSString *aString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"helloworld %.1f",1.0];
aString = nil;
controller.nonNullString = aString; // No warning. Generated code does not change.
controller.nonNullString = nil; // Warning

So Objective-C is as safe as is has always been. Annotations express intention but don't change the generated code. Checks for nil are still required in the implementation.

Dot-Notation Syntax

Dot-notation should always be used for accessing and mutating properties. Bracket notation is preferred in all other instances.

For example:

view.backgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;


[view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor orangeColor]];

The use of dot notation to access other methods is not allowed, even if Objective-C as a language would allow it. Dot notation is just syntactic sugar for a method so it would work.

Example. Not allowed:

UIApplication *application = UIApplication.sharedApplication

Bracket notation is also to be used for getter methods:

@property (getter=isFinished) BOOL finished;
if ([operation isFinished]) // Correct
if (operation.finished) // Correct
if (operation.isFinished) // Wrong

Code width

We don't impose a line width limit. We use modern and big screens, even when connected to laptops. Also Xcode offers autowrapping.

Even though we don't want to limit the code width, be aware that long method calls and declarations, because Objective-C is really verbose, should be separated by parameters with new lines. Use your judgement for this.

Code Organisation

Use #pragma mark - to categorize methods in functional groupings and protocol/delegate implementations following this general structure. Strive for short and descriptive names, and try not to leave them blank (like #pragma mark - ).

#pragma mark - Lifecycle

- (instancetype)init {}
- (void)dealloc {}
- (void)viewDidLoad {}
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {}
- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {}

#pragma mark - Custom Accessors

- (void)setCustomProperty:(id)value {}
- (id)customProperty {}

#pragma mark - IBActions

- (IBAction)submitData:(id)sender {}

#pragma mark - Public

- (void)publicMethod {}

#pragma mark - Private

- (void)privateMethod {}

#pragma mark - Protocol conformance
#pragma mark - UITextFieldDelegate
#pragma mark - UITableViewDataSource
#pragma mark - UITableViewDelegate

#pragma mark - NSCopying

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {}

#pragma mark - NSObject

- (NSString *)description {}


  • Indent using 4 spaces. Never indent with tabs. Be sure to set this preference in Xcode.

  • There should be exactly one blank line between methods to aid in visual clarity and organisation. No multiple methods per line.

  • The star for pointer types should be adjacent to the variable name, not the type. Applies for all uses (properties, local variables, constants, method types, ...): Example:

NSString *message = NSLocalizedString(@"bma.intro.message", nil);


NSString* message = NSLocalizedString(@"bma.intro.message", nil);


Egyptian brackets are to be used for both method implementations and conditions (if/else/switch/while etc.):

Like this:

if ([user isHappy]) {
    // Do something
} else {
    // Do something else

- (void)myMethod {
    // Do something


if ([user isHappy]) {
    //Do something
else {
    //Do something else

- (void)myMethod
    //Do something


Conditional bodies should always use braces even when a conditional body could be written without braces (e.g., it is one line only) to prevent errors. These errors include adding a second line and expecting it to be part of the if-statement. Another, even more dangerous defect may happen where the line "inside" the if-statement is commented out, and the next line unwittingly becomes part of the if-statement. In addition, this style is more consistent with all other conditionals, and therefore more easily scannable.

For example:

if (!error) {
    return success;


if (!error)
    return success;


if (!error) return success;

See Apple SSL bug if you're not sure about this recommendation.

Always avoid Yoda conditions.

For example:

if ([myValue isEqual:constant]) { ...


if ([constant isEqual:myValue]) { ...

Prefer extracting several properties to a meaningful expression, improving readability


BOOL stateForDismissalIsCorrect = [object something] && [object somethingElse] && ithinkSo;
if (stateForDismissalIsCorrect) {

Refactor these:

if ([object something] && [object somethingElse] && ithinkSo) {

Do not check for presence of delegate when checking optional methods:

For example:

if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(...)]) { ...


if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(...)]) { ...

Use the 'Golden Path' rule as in ZDS code style.

Ternary Operator

The Ternary operator, ? , should only be used when it increases clarity or code neatness. A single condition is usually all that should be evaluated. Evaluating multiple conditions is usually more understandable as an if statement, or refactored into instance variables.

For example:

result = a > b ? x : y;
string = fromServer ?: @"hardcoded";


result = a > b ? x = c > d ? c : d : y;

Error handling

When methods return an error parameter by reference, switch on the returned value, not the error variable.

For example:

NSError *error;
if (![self trySomethingWithError:&error]) {
    // Handle Error


NSError *error;
[self trySomethingWithError:&error];
if (error) {
    // Handle Error

Some of Apple’s APIs write garbage values to the error parameter (if non-NULL) in successful cases, so switching on the error can cause false negatives (and subsequently crash).


In method signatures, there should be a space after the scope (-/+ symbol). There should be a space between the method segments.

For example:

- (void)setExampleText:(NSString *)text image:(UIImage *)image;


-(void)setExampleText: (NSString *)text image: (UIImage *)image;

There are no special requirements for private methods. They can be named as normal methods, but do not use underscore prefix as it is reserved for use by Apple.

In class implementations, there should be one line between every methods, and one line before and after @implementation. Pragma marks should leave a line before and after. Example:

@interface BMAPersonViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) UIButton *settingsButton;

@implementation BMAPersonViewController

#pragma mark - LifeCycle

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    // Really small implementation

- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    // Really small implementation

#pragma mark - Settings

- (IBAction)goToSettings:(id)sender {
    // Really small implementation

  • Method parameters should have no prefix. Use normal names.


  • We use modern Objective-C style, and enumerations should be declared using NS_ENUM macro.
  • Also, when creating names, make the names autocomplete-friendly, not like they would be in English:


typedef NS_ENUM(BMACollectionViewLayoutMode, NSUInteger) {


typedef NS_ENUM(BMACollectionViewLayoutMode, NSUInteger) {


Prefer to use properties instead of methods when dealing with state, but not behaviour.

For example:

@interface BMAProfileController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic) BMAProfile *profile;



@interface BMAProfileController : UIViewController

- (BMAProfile *)profile;
- (void)setProfile:(BMAProfile *)profile;


For sure, init, dealloc and accessors are to be methods.

  • Format for property declaration should have space after @property: Example:
@interface BMAPerson
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *identifier;


@interface BMAPerson
@property(nonatomic,copy,readonly) NSString* identifier;
  • @synthesize and @dynamic should each be declared on new lines in the implementation.

  • Do not be too verbose with attributes: no necessity to specify attributes used by default, but be specific when it's needed, and don't forget atomic is used by default


@interface BMAPerson
@property (nonatomic) NSUInteger numberOfCommonPlaces;
@property (nonatomic) NSArray *commonPlaces;
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<BMAPersonDelegate> delegate;


@interface BMAPerson
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSUInteger numberOfCommonPlaces; // assign is used by default for integers
@property (strong) NSArray *commonPlaces; // shouldn't be atomic unless it's really needed, and strong is used by default for instance types
@property (nonatomic) id<BMAPersonDelegate> delegate; // delegates are not owned
  • An atomic property should be marked as such, not left to the default value, which is atomic. This increases readability and awareness to other developers on the nature of this property.

  • Prefer atomic/nonatomic to be first in the attribute list: keep consistency around the codebase.

  • Prefer using properties for all ivar access. There are many good reasons to do it, as stated here for example. Direct ivar access should be justified. Refactor recklessly legacy code which still uses instance variables.

  • The only time when ivars should be used is dealloc and init methods, and implementation of properties based on them. This is because in init and dealloc it's generally best practice to avoid side effects of setting properties directly, and because inside init, the object is still in a partial state.

@implementation BMAProfile

- (void)dealloc {
    [_updateTimer invalidate];

- (BMATimer *)updateTimer {
    if (!_updateTimer) {
        _updateTimer = [[BMATimer alloc] init];
        // ...
    return _updateTimer;


For more information on using Accessor Methods in Initialiser Methods and dealloc, see here.


Apple naming conventions should be adhered to wherever possible, especially those related to memory management rules (NARC).

Variables should be named as descriptively as possible. Single letter variable names should be avoided except in for() loops. Long, descriptive method and variable names are good.

For example:

UIButton *settingsButton;


UIButton *setBut;

A three letter prefix should always be used for class names, categories (especially for categories on Cocoa classes) and constants. Constants should be camel-case with all words capitalised and prefixed by the related class name for clarity. That prefix depends on where the code lays, refer to architecture or tech lead to know which to use (BPF, BPUI, BMA, HON, etc)

For example:

static const NSTimeInterval BMAProfileViewControllerNavigationFadeAnimationDuration = 0.4;

@interface NSAttributedString (BMAHTMLParsing)

- (void)bma_attributedStringFromHTML:(NSString *)string;



static const NSTimeInterval fadetime = 0.2;

@interface NSAttributedString (HTMLParsing)

- (void)attributedStringFromHTML:(NSString *)string;


Properties and local variables should be camel-case with the leading word being lowercase.

Instance variables should be camel-case with the leading word being lowercase, and should be prefixed with an underscore. This is consistent with instance variables synthesised automatically by LLVM. If LLVM can synthesise the variable automatically, then let it.

For example:

// Let compiler to generate those, but if you use them, then write as:
@synthesize descriptiveVariableName = _descriptiveVariableName;


id varnm;

Delegate methods should be always have the caller as first parameter

For example:

- (void)lessonController:(LessonController *)lessonController didSelectLesson:(Lesson *)lesson;
- (void)lessonControllerDidFinish:(LessonController *)lessonController;


- (void)lessonControllerDidSelectLesson:(Lesson *)lesson;


When using properties, instance variables should always be accessed and mutated using self.. This means that all properties will be visually distinct, as they will all be prefaced with self.. Local variables should not contain underscores.


When they are needed, comments should be used to explain why a particular piece of code does something. Any comments that are used must be kept up-to-date or deleted. When comment is inserted, not allowed:

  • Name of person writing the comment: version control will say already
  • JIRA ticket references
  • No code must be commented. Remove it as it will be tracked in version control. Tag the repo if you think it will be needed in future (rarely the case)

Block comments should generally be avoided, as code should be as self-documenting as possible, with only the need for intermittent, few-line explanations. This does not apply to those comments used to generate documentation. Having a lots of comments in a single method means that the developer has to excuse himself by not writing clear code. Prefer many small methods with long verbose names.

Prefer to document interesting pieces of API instead, specially application platform APIs, or reusable code.

Also attributes like NS_REQUIRES_SUPER, NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER, DEPRECATED_MSG_ATTRIBUTE, and DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE to document API and ongoing work when refactoring.


Protocol format should be as follows:

@protocol BMAPerson <NSObject>
// Method rules

@interface BMAMutualAttraction : NSObject <BMAPerson>
@property (nonatomic) id<BMAPerson> me;

Prefer to use properties, not methods in protocols.

Header Documentation

The documentation of class should be done using the Doxygen/AppleDoc syntax only in the .h files when possible. Documentation should be provided for methods and properties.

For example:

 *  Designated initializer.
 *  @param  repository  The repository for CRUD operations.
 *  @param  searchService The search service used to query the repository.
 *  @return A BMAScheduledOperationsProcessor object.
- (instancetype)initWithScheduledOperationsRepository:(id<BMAGenericUGCRepositoryProtocol>)repository

init and dealloc

init methods should be placed at the top of the implementation, directly after the @synthesize and @dynamic statements. dealloc should be placed directly below the init methods of any class.

init methods should be structured like this:

- (instancetype)init {
    self = [super init]; // or call the designated initalizer
    if (self) {
        // Custom initialization

    return self;

- (void)dealloc {
    // Necessary cleanup here

All classes should use NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER for any declared init methods, even if there is only one. It documents the code in a proper way.

##instancetype vs id

  • Read this and this if you don't know what instancetype is
  • For init methods, we should use modern Objective-C conventions, so use instancetype always for init methods.
  • For factory methods, there are two cases. The two cases better document code by following conventions:
    • When the factory method can be subclassed: use instancetype
    • When the factory method is not meant to be subclassed: use the type explicitly

##alloc-init vs new

Do not use -new, but chained -alloc and -init:

BMAPerson *person = [[BMAPerson alloc] init]; // Correct
BMAPerson *person2 = [BMAPerson new]; // Wrong


NSString, NSDictionary, NSArray, and NSNumber literals should be used whenever creating immutable instances of those objects. Pay special care that nil values not be passed into NSArray and NSDictionary literals, as this will cause a crash.

For example:

NSArray *names = @[@"Brian", @"Matt", @"Chris", @"Alex", @"Steve", @"Paul"];
NSDictionary *productManagers = @{@"iPhone" : @"Kate", @"iPad" : @"Kamal", @"Mobile Web" : @"Bill"};
NSNumber *shouldUseLiterals = @YES;
NSNumber *buildingZIPCode = @10018;


NSArray *names = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"Brian", @"Matt", @"Chris", @"Alex", @"Steve", @"Paul", nil];
NSDictionary *productManagers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Kate", @"iPhone", @"Kamal", @"iPad", @"Bill", @"Mobile Web", nil];
NSNumber *shouldUseLiterals = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
NSNumber *buildingZIPCode = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:10018];

CGRect Functions

When accessing the x, y, width, or height of a CGRect, always use the CGGeometry functions instead of direct struct member access. From Apple's CGGeometry reference:

All functions described in this reference that take CGRect data structures as inputs implicitly standardise those rectangles before calculating their results. For this reason, your applications should avoid directly reading and writing the data stored in the CGRect data structure. Instead, use the functions described here to manipulate rectangles and to retrieve their characteristics.

For example:

CGRect frame = self.view.frame;

CGFloat x = CGRectGetMinX(frame);
CGFloat y = CGRectGetMinY(frame);
CGFloat width = CGRectGetWidth(frame);
CGFloat height = CGRectGetHeight(frame);


CGRect frame = self.view.frame;

CGFloat x = frame.origin.x;
CGFloat y = frame.origin.y;
CGFloat width = frame.size.width;
CGFloat height = frame.size.height;

You can alternatively use the categories on UIView we have in our platform, which allow for a Three20 or autolayout style to get frame properties:

self.button.bma_bottom = self.header.bma_top;
self.button.bma_width = self.bma_width;


Constants are preferred over in-line string literals or numbers, as they allow for easy reproduction of commonly used variables and can be quickly changed without the need for find and replace. Prefer class or instance methods for constants. The reason is that those constants can 'change' specially important for UI code where different styling can be applied at runtime.

If you declare constants, they should be declared as static constants and not #defines unless explicitly being used as a macro.

For example:

// Preferred
+ (CGFloat)thumbnailHeight {
    return 50.0;

+ (NSString *)nibName {
    return @"BMADefaultProfileViewController";

// Use those sparingly
static NSString * const BMADefaultProfileViewControllerNibName = @"nibName";
static const CGFloat BMAImageThumbnailHeight = 50.0;


#define BMADefaultProfileViewControllerNibName @"nibName"

#define BMAImageThumbnailHeight 50.0

Enumerated Types

When using enums, it is recommended to use the new fixed underlying type specification because it has stronger type checking and code completion. The SDK now includes a macro to facilitate and encourage use of fixed underlying types — NS_ENUM()


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, BMAProfilePictureState) {

Private Properties

Private properties should be declared in class extensions (anonymous categories) in the implementation file of a class. Named categories (e.g. BMAPrivate) should never be used unless extending another class.

For example:

@interface BMAAdvertisement ()

@property (nonatomic) GADBannerView *googleAdView;
@property (nonatomic) ADBannerView *iAdView;
@property (nonatomic) UIWebView *adXWebView;


Private headers

Use private headers to define class extension and any internal methods and properties which can be used for unit tests.

Private header has to contain imports of headers for types declared in main header using forward declaration as well as types used in class extension, but not imports of headers for types used in implementation file.


// Foo.h

@class Bar;
@protocol Baz;

@interface Foo : NSObject

@property (nonatomic, readonly) Bar *bar;
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<Baz> baz;


// Foo_Private.h

#import "Foo.h"

#import "Bar.h"
#import "Baz.h"
#import "Qux.h"

@interface Foo ()

@property (nonatomic) Qux *qux;


// Foo.m

#import "Foo_Private.h"

// FooTests.m

#import "Foo_Private.h"


Image names should be named consistently to preserve organisation and developer sanity. Please use common judgement when adding them.

We should use asset catalogs for all newly added images for any new feature. The ideas is to have very granular asset catalogs so they can be distributed as modules as part of libraries in the future. When refactoring, keep an eye over legacy code and move images to asset catalogs.

We can have for example: .xcassets Feature1.xcassets Common.xcassets ...

For applications where we only support iOS7 and iPhone, there is no need to request and include non-retina images.


Since nil resolves to NO it is unnecessary to compare it in conditions. Never compare something directly to YES, because YES is defined to 1 and a BOOL can be up to 8 bits.

This allows for more consistency across files and greater visual clarity.

For example:

if (!someObject) {


if (someObject == nil) {

For a BOOL, here are two examples:

if (isAwesome)
if (![someObject boolValue])


if (isAwesome == YES) // Never do this.
if ([someObject boolValue] == NO)

If the name of a BOOL property is expressed as an adjective, the property can omit the “is” prefix but specifies the conventional name for the get accessor, for example:

@property (assign, getter=isEditable) BOOL editable;

Text and example taken from the Cocoa Naming Guidelines.


Using blocks has several memory caveats, which can cause memory leaks in the long term for an app. Because we want to reduce cognitive overload for reviews and devs, the style should reflect a good practice and reduce possible bugs.

When accessing self from any block, always declare a weak self. Always. It is true that it's not needed for any type of block, if the block is not retained by the caller, as for example in inline animation blocks, but doing so reduces side effects of refactoring. i.e: moving a block inserted in place to a property. We want to be agile and refactor ruthlessly if necessary, so this rule is very important to reduce side effects.

We use libextobjc macros @weakify/@strongify


// Always use weak reference to self, even if it will not cause a retain cycle
[UIView animateWithDuration:(animated ? 0.2 : 0.0) animations:^{
    self.inputView.hidden = hidden;
    self.inputView.userInteractionEnabled = !hidden;
    [self updateTableViewContentInsets];
    [self updateScrollIndicatorInsets];


[UIView animateWithDuration:(animated ? 0.2 : 0.0) animations:^{
    self.inputView.hidden = hidden;
    self.inputView.userInteractionEnabled = !hidden;
    [self updateTableViewContentInsets];
    [self updateScrollIndicatorInsets];

Type Inference

Since Xcode 8 we can use __auto_type for type inference in Objective-C. We can mix use of __auto_type in our code with usual type definition.

- (void)sendSomeNetworkRequest {
    __auto_type completion = ^(NSError *_Nullable error) {
        if (error) {
            [self handleSomeNetworkRequestError:error];
    __auto_type someNetworkRequest = [self makeSomeNetworkRequest];
    [self.networkService sendRequest:someNetworkRequest completion:completion];


Generally avoid using them if possible, use dependency injection instead. Nevertheless, needed singleton objects should use a thread-safe pattern for creating their shared instance.

+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
   static id sharedInstance = nil;

   static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
   dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
      sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];

   return sharedInstance;

This will prevent possible and sometimes prolific crashes.

Unit Tests

Unit tests is generally not considered by dev teams, but as code, documentation, and important quality tool, they deserve a lot of thought and care. Unit tests should allow developers to move faster and develop faster, not make them lag and suffer. That is why quality tests is as important as quality code, and we care as an engineering team.

Internally we use XCTest and SenTestingKit, just because the test base is large enough that switching them to other alternatives is a lot of work. Also alternatives are just syntactic sugar + matchers. We can use matcher libraries if needed.

Write tests. Period. Prefer writing tests before the code under test. Period.

General rule is one assert per test. This should be taken extreme many times, as it encourages refactoring tests to reuse small utility methods. It also improves tests readability, which is of utterly importance once test is more than 5 mins old. There are rare cases where more asserts are needed, those are cases where we check values of the same object after some state is set:

- (void)testCase {
    [self stubModelWithFullData];
    MyCell* cell = [self.underTest provideMyCell];
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(cell.shownName, self.fakeModel.name);
    XCTAssertEqualObjects(cell.shownSurname, self.fakeModel.surname);

Not allowed:

test {
    [self stubDelegateAndExpectCallbackWithSuccess];
    [self.myObject performCalculations];
    [self.myDelegateMock verify];

We follow a strict naming convention testcases. It is of great importance because ideally as a developer you want to read the test method and know what it does before even looking at the test code. Also important for error messages. Test names should follow the pattern:


Generally if a test has 'and' in it, it generally means it should be split in two and dev is lazy:

Not allowed:


Try to keep tests 3 lines, generally matching the GIVEN-WHEN-THEN condition in the test name. Refactor ruthlessly if needed to achieve it. Sometimes it's not possible because of mocking setup, but long test methods are a different type of smell we want to avoid.

Don't use any of the 'string' parameters in macro. Leave them to nil or omit when using XCTest, and make the test method name be long and meaningful. Those string comments tend to be unmaintained, and copy pasted from somewhere else.

Not allowed:

STAssertTrue(myCondition, @"When moon moves, then the angle between our phone and user hand slightly moved. Thus expecting condition to be true");

Should be:


Under test goes first in assertions. This improves readability as generally errors are ' should be equal to . Thus is not constant, and is expected value:


XCTAssertEqualObjects(resultString, @"Hello");


XCTAssertEqualObjects(@"Hello", resultString);

Xcode project

Always turn on "Treat Warnings as Errors" in the target's Build Settings and enable as many additional warnings as possible. If you need to ignore a specific warning, use Clang's pragma feature.

Other Objective-C Style Guides

If ours doesn't fit your tastes, have a look at some other style guides: