
Realtime logs percolation in Java 8 using Akka and Elasticsearch

Primary LanguageJava



Sample project, inspired by the article of Andrew Easter[2]. Mostly a playground of Akka and Elasticsearch technologies. This project written in Java 8 and excluded UI part along with Play framework. To start - import the project in your Eclipse, run the Main.java class. A hundred (NUM_QUERIES) of simple search queries are inserted in Elasticsearch, then processing starts by sending dummy generated log entries against queries. The log entries are generated and percolated against search queries with 5 milliseconds interval. You should see output stream of a matched log entries like below:

907===>{"timestamp":"2014-12-21 17:56:16.362","response time":"907","method":"DELETE","path":"/c","status":"500","device":"TV","user agent":"Internet Explorer"}
908===>{"timestamp":"2014-12-21 17:56:16.672","response time":"908","method":"DELETE","path":"/d","status":"500","device":"TV","user agent":"Safari"}
901===>{"timestamp":"2014-12-21 17:56:17.132","response time":"901","method":"GET","path":"/b","status":"200","device":"Desktop","user agent":"Firefox"}

To stop, simple kill the execution, the Elasticsearch indexes will re-populate during the next start.


[1] http://rokhmanov.blogspot.com/2014/12/realtime-data-percolation-with.html

[2] http://www.dreweaster.com/blog/2013/07/08/reactive-real-time-log-search-with-play-akka-angularjs-and-elasticsearch/