Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE

This is a sample application generated by the Eclipse Foundation starter for Jakarta EE.

You can run the application by executing the following command from the directory where this file resides. Please ensure you have installed a Java SE 8+ implementation appropriate for your Jakarta EE version and runtime choice (we have tested with Java SE 8, Java SE 11 and Java SE 17). Note, the Maven Wrapper is already included in the project, so a Maven install is not actually needed. You may first need to execute chmod +x mvnw.

./mvnw clean package cargo:run

Once the runtime starts, you can access the project at http://localhost:8080/jakartaee-hello-world.

You can also run the project via Docker. To build the Docker image, execute the following commands from the directory where this file resides. Please ensure you have installed a Java SE 8+ implementation appropriate for your Jakarta EE version/runtime choice and Docker (we have tested with Java SE 8, Java SE 11 and Java SE 17). Note, the Maven Wrapper is already included in the project, so a Maven install is not actually needed. You may first need to execute chmod +x mvnw.

./mvnw clean package
docker build -t jakartaee-hello-world:v1 .

You can then run the Docker image by executing:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 jakartaee-hello-world:v1

Once the runtime starts, you can access the project at http://localhost:8080/jakartaee-hello-world.