
cuda-based renderer for simulation snapshots

Primary LanguageC++


cuda-based renderer for simulation snapshots


  • PyCuda

  • Pynbody

  • Numba (not really necessary, if you don't have it just remove the jit/autojit statements).

The build will first try to make the radix_sort extension, which wraps the GPU radix sort kernel from the Nvidia CUB library. This also requires the cuda toolkit to be installed. Make sure that nvcc and the CUB directory are in your path. Install the package with the usual

> python setup.py install

If the build and the compilation are successful, use the renderer:

import pynbody
import cuda_render
import numpy as np
import numba
numba.codegen.debug.logger.setLevel(0) # this is here because in the current version of the continuum
                                       # analytics distribution, the log levels are set to some 
                                       # annoyingly high value

s = pynbody.load(simulation)
image = cuda_render.cu_template_render_image(s.d,800,800,-.5,.5,timing=True, nthreads=128)

At the moment it's not particularly optimized yet... but further tweaks are coming soon!