
A sample demonstrating how to setup transactional purchases using the roChannelStore component

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Transactional Purchases Using the roChannelStore Component

A sample demonstrating how to setup transactional purchases using the roChannelStore component


The Spring 2017 Roku OS release now includes the ability to do transactional purchasing through Roku's billing system. The functionality is available for both the roChannelStore component and ChannelStore node and allows partners to dynamically set the amount to charge to a user's payment method on file with Roku. Prior to this feature, each title in a partner's catalog required an associated product on Roku's backend. Now a single generic product can be used across all titles in a partner's catalog.


Create in-channel product

Login to your Roku developer account and select Add a Product on the Manage In-Channel Products page.

Refer to the following table to create a TVOD specific product:

Product Information Value
Channels Add channel(s) that can access this product
Product Name Any 1
Identifier a unique product identifier
Purchase Type One-Time Purchase
Classification Video
Internet Connection Required Yes
Requires Additional Purchase No
Cleared for Sale Yes
Price Tier Any 1

1 This value can be modified for each transaction.

This product will be referred to as tvod-rental in the examples below.


Two new functions have been added to the roChannelStore component to facilitate transactional purchasing through Roku Billing.

The first step requires creating a roChannelStore object:

m.channelStore = createObject("roChannelStore")

Verify user's billing status

RequestPartnerOrder(orderInfo, productID) as Object

This function is a prerequisite to processing the transaction and checks the user's billing status. This function accepts the following parameters:

Member Type Description
orderInfo roAssociativeArray contains two String values:
  • priceDisplay - the price displayed
  • price - the price to charge
productID String the product's unique ID (as entered when the product was created)
orderInfo = {
  "priceDisplay": "1.99",
  "price": "1.99"

orderRequest = m.channelStore.requestPartnerOrder(orderInfo, "tvod-rental")

Note that currency symbols should not be included for priceDisplay and price.

This function returns an roAssociativeArray containing the following values:

Key Type Value
id String This ID must be passed in the orderInfo parameter in confirmPartnerOrder()
status String Success or Failure
tax String Cost of tax (if applicable)
total String Total price of transaction
    id: "6fccd747-438c-4a45-91ab-847f57e782fa"
    status: "Success"
    tax: "$0.00"
    total: "$1.99"

If status is Failure, an roAssociativeArray with the following values will be returned:

Key Type Value
errorCode String An error code representing why the transaction failed
errorMessage String If status is Failure, this contains an error message explaining why the transaction failed
status String Failure
    errorCode: "Declined"
    errorMessage: "Your Roku account is currently not set up for Channel Store purchases. Please log into your Roku account at roku.com to modify your account settings."
    status: "Failure"

Complete the transaction

After confirming the user has a valid billing status, the id returned from requestPartnerOrder() must be passed as a parameter into the following function.

confirmPartnerOrder(confirmOrderInfo, productID) as Object

This function takes the following parameters:

Member Type Description
confirmOrderInfo roAssociativeArray see following table
productID String the product's unique ID (as entered when the product was created)
Member Type Required Description
title String Required the name of the content item (show on user's invoice)
priceDisplay String Required the original price displayed
price 1 String Required the price to charge
orderID String Required the ID returned from RequestPartnerOrder()

1 If using the total from the roAssociativeArray returned from requestPartnerOrder(), the currency symbol must not be included for price and priceDisplay. See example below.

confirmOrderInfo = {
  "title":" The Best Movie Ever",
  "price": Mid(orderRequest.total, 2),
  "priceDisplay": Mid(orderRequest.total, 2),
  "OrderID": orderRequest.id

response = m.channelStore.confirmPartnerOrder(confirmOrderInfo, "tvod-rental")

As soon as this function is called, the following screen (generated by the Roku OS) will be shown:

Transaction Response

If the user completes the order, an roAssociativeArray will be returned containing the following values:

Key Type Value
Purchase ID String the transaction ID
Status String Success if the transaction is successful, else Failure
  purchaseId: "6e447262-f607-4b6c-b493-a6f900dc7390"
  status: "Success"

If status is Failure, an roAssociativeArray (if using the roChannelStore component) with the following values will be returned:

Key Type Value
errorCode String An error code representing why the transaction failed
errorMessage String If status is Failure, this contains an error message explaining why the transaction failed
status String Failure
  errorCode: "PurchaseUnsuccessful"
  errorMessage: "We’re sorry your financial institution has declined our payment attempt. Please resolve the matter with your bank and try your purchase again."
  status: "Failure"