
Bucket event-driven image resizing built with cloud functions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bucket event-driven image resizing built with cloud functions.

In this example, we set up a image resizing solution with AWS S3 and a Serverless framework function written in Node.js. We use the sharp package for image resizing.

sharp includes native dependencies, so in this example we are building and deploying the Serverless function from a Docker container that’s based on Amazon Linux.


In order to deploy the function, you will need the following:

  • Two S3 bucket in your AWS account.
  • Serverless framework installed locally via yarn global add serverless.
  • Node.js and yarn installed locally.
  • Docker and docker-compose installed locally.

Deploying the Serverless project

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/rokumatsumoto/aws-node-dynamic-image-resizer.git
  2. Install the dependencies

    yarn install
  3. Add your AWS credentials into the secrets/secrets.env file. (See this for documentation)

  4. Add your env variables into the .env file

  5. Deploy the Serverless project

    docker-compose up --build