
[ABANDONED] - A command-line interface for the Türksat Kablo Online İşlemler (Web scraping experiment)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Turksat Kablo CLI ◼️

Gem Version


Turksat Kablo CLI is not maintained anymore. See here #1 for more information.

A command-line interface for the Turksat Kablo Online Islemler - https://online.turksatkablo.com.tr/




turksatkablo_cli is built with Ruby, so you'll need a working Ruby 2.2.0>= environment to use it. You can find Ruby installation instructions here.

  1. Install via rubygems
gem install turksatkablo_cli
  1. Install PhantomJS


Verify the turksatkablo command is in your path by running it. You should see information about available commands.

$ turksatkablo
turksatkablo anlikborc       # Anlık borç - kısa kodu b
turksatkablo fatura TARIH    # Fatura göster ÖRN: 12.2017, ÖRN: 12.2017 pdf - kısa kodu f
turksatkablo faturaliste     # Fatura listesi - kısa kodu fl
turksatkablo help [COMMAND]  # Describe available commands or one specific command
turksatkablo hizmet          # Mevcut hizmetler - kısa kodu h
turksatkablo kampanya        # Kampanya bilgileri - kısa kodu ka
turksatkablo kota            # Kalan kota - kısa kodu k
turksatkablo kotadetay       # Son 3 ay kota kullanım - kısa kodu kd
turksatkablo musterino       # Müşteri no - kısa kodu mn
turksatkablo ozet            # Hizmetler genel durum - kısa kodu o


  • 0.3.1 – Add tests for TurksatkabloCli and Base classes.
  • 0.3.0 – Add Code coverage, Windows 10 support and fatura TARIH, faturaliste, kotadetay donem commands.
  • 0.2.0 – Add RSpec and environment tests, required ruby version updated (2.2.0 >=), nokogiri version updated (has a known critical severity security vulnerability in version range < 1.8.1)
  • 0.1.4 – Fix retry_authenticate and authenticated? methods (login details could not be saved after the retry_authenticate method)
  • 0.1.3 – Modernize multiple classes, add ozet, hizmetler, musterino, kampanya, anlikborc commands
  • 0.1.2 – Modernize Agent and Auth classes, ability to save user's encrypted login details, add kota command.
  • 0.1.1 – Build app skeleton, implement basic authentication
  • 0.1.0 - Initial version.


bundle exec rspec -fd spec


turksatkablo_cli is open source, and contributions are very welcome!