
The backend provides some simple endpoints for a CRUD repository based on postgres. It uses docker-compose to setup the containers for the backend and the database.

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This is the backend for the Fuel-Tracker App. It accepts basic HTTP requests and manages a Postgres Database. The setup is only tested on Linux.


For remote setup:

  • running server
  • docker installed and setup
  • working ssh connection

For local setup:

  • docker installed and setup


First you should adjust the config/conf.template.json file e.g.:

    "apiKey": "<your_auth_token>",
    "port": 9006,
    "urlPrefix": "/fuel-tracker"

Then the environment varibles in docker/.env.template must be set e.g.:


Important: Rename all files with template in the name and replace template with prod or dev.

How to run

To run the docker startup script, you should first create a docker-remote context:
docker context create <remote_name> ‐‐docker host=ssh://<user>@<remote_address>

Edit the deploy.sh file and change the docker remote context name to <remote_name>

After that just run deploy.sh prod and you should be good to go. For running in dev repeat the steps just for the files with dev extension instead of prod.

Important: Replace the config name which will be loaded in the Dockerfile