
Cardano node and Daedalus in Docker

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Note this is all work in progress. Ideally just have a look at the Dockerfiles to see how I setup Cardano and Deadalus on my Ubuntu machine.

How to run Cardano ($ADA) Daedalus wallet on Linux


Build cardano-sl and Daedalus images

git clone https://github.com/hcvst/cardano-daedalus-docker.git
cd cardano-daedalus-docker
docker-compose build


To clean up the wallet database lock file, allow local X11 connections and start the containers, you can simply execute the startup script:


Prebuilt images

Please note that these Docker images are quite big and will mostly become absolete once the Daedalus wallet for Linux is released.

Please check: https://daedaluswallet.io.


If you have a question, please PM me (@hcvst) here https://cardano.rocket.chat or on Telegram (or https://gitter.im/daedalus-wallet-on-docker/Lobby). This was tested with the following docker host systems:

  • Arch
  • Ubuntu 16.04

If you would like to help:

  • The images are big. I initially tried alpine but got stuck (perhaps one can use nixOS directly?) Update: I have added cardano-sl-nix
  • Are for the daedalus-ds build both nix-builds in the Dockerfile required or would the second suffice? Update: It seems to be enough to build the release only as per the nix image.