
an eBPF-based monitoring tool to measure container resource usage, power consumption, network I/O, and file I/O

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Dynamic and Energy Efficient Power monitor (DEEP-mon) is an eBPF based monitoring tool to measure power consumption and performance of Docker containers. DEEP-mon started in 2017 as a research project of NECSTLab at Politecnico di Milano with the goal of being able to measure the power consumption of each container running in a given host. The project then expanded and now DEEP-mon is able to measure power consumption, performance counters, CPU usage, Memory usage, Network I/O, and File I/O, all displayed in a curses UI terminal window.

Getting started


DEEP-mon currently runs on Docker and it is almost self contained. Requirements are:

  • Linux kernel >= 4.13
  • kernel headers
  • make
  • docker
  • intel_rapl module (for power consumption on Intel® processors)

We tested DEEP-mon on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04. The power attribution feature of DEEP-mon targets the SMT capability of Intel® Sandy bridge and Ivy bridge server class processors. For other architectures a new attribution factor should be tested and used (more details here and here).

Build and Run

To build the container, within the root folder of the project type:

make build

To run the container, within the root folder of the project type:

make run

Bug reports

For bug reports or feature requests feel free to create an issue.
Please make sure that the same problem wasn't reported already.


Contribution is welcome!

  • Create a pull request containing bug fixes or new features.
  • Propose new functions and improvements

DEEP-mon roadmap:

  • fix performance issue with memory metrics
  • experimental measurement tool -> record stuff, single machine + distributed
  • frequency sampling
  • improve parameter injection
  • set attribution ratio in config
  • improve curse UI
  • documentation (code + md files)
  • tests
  • add k8s pod name, deployments, services (e.g. readable k8s data)
  • one UI per cluster (daemonset), server w/data, cli
  • web UI


As we said at the beginning, this work comes form the research conducted at NECSTLab. If you use this tool for your research, please cite the following papers:

  • Brondolin, Rolando, Tommaso Sardelli, and Marco D. Santambrogio. "Deep-mon: Dynamic and energy efficient power monitoring for container-based infrastructures." 2018 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW). IEEE, 2018. (download here)

  • Rolando Brondolin and Marco D Santambrogio. "A black-box monitoring approach to measure microservices runtime performance." ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 17(4):1-26, 2020. (download here)