
  1. Define a variable.
  2. Create and reassign variables.

About Variables



Much like in math, variables are words or characters that hold values. However in algebra, variables are only placeholders for numbers. In Ruby, a variable can point to almost any type of value including numbers, strings, arrays, and hashes.


Variables are assigned values using = ("equal sign") called the assignment operator. Variable names are typically all lower case, and in the case of multiple words, the words are separated by underscores.

current_president = "Barack Obama"
puts "In 2014, the president was #{current_president}."

The code above will print In 2014, the president was Barack Obama..


Now the variable current_president is equal to the string Barack Obama. Let's say somehow Stephen Colbert got elected as president for 2016. To update current_president, you would just reassign the variable much in the same way that you first defined it:

current_president = "Barack Obama"
puts "In 2014, the president was #{current_president}."

current_president = "Stephen Colbert"
puts "Now, it being the year 2016, the president is #{current_president}."

This will print out:

In 2014, the president was Barack Obama.
Now, it being the year 2016, the president is Stephen Colbert.

Variable Example

Within this repository is a file variables.rb with some examples you can read and play with.

'This is data, it is a string. Strings start with " "'

"Part of being data, or a string, is that ruby doesn't interpret it."

puts 1+1
puts "1+1"

example = "The word 'example' is equal to this sentence, it's a named variable."

puts example
puts example
puts example

puts "variables are any previously undefined word that"
puts "starts with a lowercase letter."

Running this file will print:

The word 'example' is equal to this sentence, it's a named variable.
The word 'example' is equal to this sentence, it's a named variable.
The word 'example' is equal to this sentence, it's a named variable.
variables are any previously undefined word that
starts with a lowercase letter.
