
RFC 6455 WebSocket Library for the Roku

Primary LanguageBrightscriptOtherNOASSERTION


A SceneGraph websocket client library written in BrightScript

This repo is no longer maintained. See This fork for an actively maintained repo.

RFC 6455

Follows RFC 6455


  • Uses ASCII instead of UTF-8 for string operations
  • Does not support secure web sockets at this time


The contents of the "src" folder in the repository's root should be placed in the "components" folder of a SceneGraph Roku app.

Using the Library

The client follows the HTML WebSocket interface, modified to work with BrightScript conventions. Those familiar with browser (JavaScript) WebSocket implementations should find this client similar.


function init() as void
    m.ws = createObject("roSGNode", "WebSocketClient")
    m.ws.observeField("on_open", "on_open")
    m.ws.observeFiled("on_message", "on_message")
    m.ws.open = "ws://echo.websocket.org/"
end function

function on_open(event as object) as void
    m.ws.send = ["Hello World"]
end function

function on_message(event as object) as void
    print event.getData().message
end function

For a working sample app see the "test" folder. Its contents can be zipped for installation as a dev channel on a Roku.


The MIT License. See license.txt.