Angelo (
Robert (
struct HUSKYLENSResult
- Description: Structure to store the blocks or arrows
- Member:
Use to determine whether this is arrow or blockCOMMAND_RETURN_BLOCK
It is an arrow
- For a block:
X Center of BlockyCenter
Y Center of Blockwidth
Width of Blockheight
Height of BlockID
ID of Block, see ID Meaning below
- For an arrow:
X Origin of ArrowyOrigin
Y Origin of ArrowxTarget
X Target of ArrowyTarget
Y Target of ArrowID
ID of Arrow, see ID Meaning below
- Example:
void printResult(HUSKYLENSResult result){
if (result.command == COMMAND_RETURN_BLOCK){
Serial.println(String() + F("Block:xCenter=") + result.xCenter + F(",yCenter=") + result.yCenter + F(",width=") + result.width + F(",height=") + result.height + F(",ID=") + result.ID);
else if (result.command == COMMAND_RETURN_ARROW){
Serial.println(String() + F("Arrow:xOrigin=") + result.xOrigin + F(",yOrigin=") + result.yOrigin + F(",xTarget=") + result.xTarget + F(",yTarget=") + result.yTarget + F(",ID=") + result.ID);
Serial.println("Object unknown!");
ID Meaning:
ID | Means |
1 | The first learned item is detected |
2 | The second learned item is detected |
XXX | The XXXth learned item is detected |
0 | Item is detected but not learned, like unlearned faces block in grey color. |
enum protocolAlgorithm
- Description: The enum of the algorithm. Needed when switch to the target algorithm.
- Member:
bool begin(TwoWire& streamInput)
- Description: Setup procedure of HUSKYLENS with Wire(I2C). It will try connect to HUSKYLENS and return whether HUSKYLENS is connected.
- Arguments:
: It could be Serial, Wire, SoftwareSerial, or other port based on Stream class.
- Returns: Whether successful connect and contact with HUSKYLENS.
bool begin(Stream& streamInput)
- Description: Setup procedure of HUSKYLENS. It will try connect to HUSKYLENS and return whether HUSKYLENS is connected.
- Arguments:
: It could be Serial, Wire, SoftwareSerial, or other port based on Stream class.
- Returns: Whether successful connect and contact with HUSKYLENS.
void setTimeOutDuration(unsigned long timeOutDurationInput)
- Description: Use to set the time out duration on the transmit between request and received from HUSKYLENS to avoid waiting the feedback from HUSKYLENS for a long time. Default value is 100ms.
- Arguments:
: Time out duration on ms.
bool request()
- Description: Request all blocks and arrows from HUSKYLENS. This is the place where all the transmit happens.
- Arguments: None
- Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool request(int16_t ID)
- Description: Request only blocks and arrows tagged with
from HUSKYLENS. - Arguments:
The target ID of blocks and arrows
- Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool requestBlocks()
- Description: Request all blocks from HUSKYLENS
- Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool requestBlocks(int16_t ID)
- Description: Request only blocks tagged with
from HUSKYLENS - Arguments:
The target ID of blocks
- Returns: Whether successfully get the result..
bool requestArrows()
- Description: Request all arrows from HUSKYLENS
- Arguments:
The algorithm you need. See protocolAlgorithm for details.
- Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool requestArrows(int16_t ID)
- Description: Request only arrows tagged with
from HUSKYLENS - Arguments:
The target ID of arrows
- Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool requestLearned()
Description: Request all learned blocks and arrows (ID >=1) from HUSKYLENS.
Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool requestBlocksLearned()
Description: Request all learned blocks (ID >=1) from HUSKYLENS.
Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
bool requestArrowsLearned()
Description: Request all learned arrows (ID >=1) from HUSKYLENS.
Returns: Whether successfully get the result.
int available()
Description: Return the count of blocks and arrows available to read. (Works like Serial or Wire)
Arguments: None
Returns: The count of blocks and arrows left in the buffer.
HUSKYLENSResult read()
Description: Read blocks or arrows.(Works like Serial or Wire)
Returns: blocks or arrows in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
bool isLearned()
Description: Get whether HUSKYLENS have learn something.
Returns: Whether HUSKYLENS have learn something.
bool isLearned(int ID)
Description: Get whether HUSKYLENS have learn something tagged with
. -
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.
Returns: Whether HUSKYLENS have learn something tagged with
int16_t frameNumber()
Description: Get the number of frame HUSKYLENS have processed. Once HUSKYLENS process one frame, this number will increase by one.
Returns: The number of frame HUSKYLENS have processed.
int16_t countLearnedIDs()
Description: Get the count of (faces, colors, objects or lines) you have learned on HUSKYLENS. This value will depend on how many times you learn something on HUSKYLENS.
Returns: The count of (faces, colors, objects or lines) you have learned on HUSKYLENS.
int16_t count()
Description: Get count of all blocks and arrows.
Returns: The count of all blocks and arrows.
int16_t count(int16_t ID)
Description: Get count of all blocks and arrows tagged with
. -
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.
Returns: The count of all blocks and arrows tagged with
int16_t countBlocks()
Description: Get count of all blocks.
Returns: The count of all blocks.
int16_t countBlocks(int16_t ID)
Description: Get count of all blocks tagged with
. -
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.
Returns: The count of all blocks tagged with
int16_t countArrows()
Description: Get count of all arrows.
Returns: The count of all blocks and arrows.
int16_t countArrows(int16_t ID)
Description: Get count of all arrows tagged with
. -
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.
Returns: The count of all arrows tagged with
int16_t countLearned()
Description: Get count of all learned blocks and arrows (ID >=1)
Returns: The count of all learned blocks and arrows (ID >=1)
int16_t countBlocksLearned()
Description: Get count of all learned blocks (ID >=1)
Returns: The count of all learned blocks (ID >=1)
int16_t countArrowsLearned()
Description: Get count of all learned arrows (ID >=1)
Returns: The count of all learned arrows (ID >=1)
HUSKYLENSResult get(int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the blocks and arrows.
The index of blocks and arrows, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancount()
Returns: block or arrow in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult get(int16_t ID, int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the blocks and arrows tagged with
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.index
The index of blocks and arrows, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancount(ID)
Returns: block or arrow tagged with
in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getBlock(int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the blocks.
The index of blocks, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountBlocks()
Returns: block in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getBlock(int16_t ID, int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the blocks tagged with
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.index
The index of blocks, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountBlocks(ID)
Returns: block tagged with
in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getArrow(int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the arrows.
The index of arrows, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountArrows()
Returns: arrow in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getArrow(int16_t ID, int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the arrows tagged with
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.index
The index of arrow, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountArrows(ID)
Returns: arrow tagged with
in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getLearned(int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the learned blocks and arrows (ID >=1)
The index of blocks and arrows, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountLearned()
Returns: block or arrow in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getBlockLearned(int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the learned blocks (ID >=1)
The index of blocks, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountBlocksLearned()
Returns: block in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
HUSKYLENSResult getArrowLearned(int16_t index)
Description: Get one of the learned arrows (ID >=1)
The index of arrows, which is ordered by the received sequence. It should less thancountArrowsLearned()
Returns: arrow in struct HUSKYLENSResult. See HUSKYLENSResult above for details.
bool writeAlgorithm(protocolAlgorithm algorithmType)
Description: Let HUSKYLENS switch to the target algorithm you need.
The target algorithm. See protocolAlgorithm for details.
Returns: Whether success.
bool writeLearn(int ID)
Description: Let HUSKYLENS learn with
. (It only works in Object Classification) -
The target ID. See ID Meaning above for details.
Returns: Whether success.
bool writeForget()
Description: Let HUSKYLENS forget all. (It only works in Object Classification)
Returns: Whether success.
bool setCustomName(String name,uint8_t id)
Description: Set a custom name for a learned object with a specified ID. For example, if you have learned your face with an ID of 1, you can use setCustomName("Robert",1) to rename the learned face to "Robert".
The specified custom nameid
The ID of the object you want to set the custom name for
Returns: Whether success.
bool savePictureToSDCard()
- Description: Save a photo from the HuskyLens camera onto the SD Card.
- Returns: Whether success. If there is no SD Card inserted or an SD Card Error, there will be a UI popup on the HuskyLens outlining the issue.
bool saveScreenshotToSDCard()
- Description: Save a screenshot of the HuskyLens UI onto the SD Card.
- Returns: Whether success.
bool saveModelToSDCard(int fileNum)
- Description: Save the current algorithms model file (its learned object data) to the SD Card. The file will be the in the format "AlgorithimName_Backup_FileNum.conf"
- Arguments:
The specified file number to be used in the name for the file
- Returns: Whether success. If there is no SD Card inserted or an SD Card Error, there will be a UI popup on the HuskyLens outlining the issue.
bool loadModelFromSDCard(int fileNum)
- Description: Load a model file from the SD Card to the current algorithm and refresh the algorithm. The loaded file will be the following format "AlgorithimName_Backup_FileNum.conf"
- Arguments:
The specified file number to be used in the name for the file
- Returns: Whether success. If there is no SD Card inserted or an SD Card Error, there will be a UI popup on the HuskyLens outlining the issue.
bool customText(String text,uint16_t x,uint8_t y)
- Description: Place a string of text (less than 20 characters) on top of the HuskyLens UI. The position of the texts (X,Y) coordinate is the top left of the text box.
- You can have at most 10 custom texts on the UI at once, and if you continue adding texts you will replace previous texts in a circular fashion. For example, if you enter 10 texts you will fill the text buffer. If you then insert a new text object, you will overwrite the first text position (textBuffer[0]). Inserting another new text object will overwrite the second text position (textBuffer[1]).
- Each text is uniquely identified by its (X,Y) coordinate, so you can replace the text string at a (X,Y) coordinate instead of adding a new text object. For example, if you insert "TEST_1" at (120,120) and then later submit "TEST_2" at (120,120), you will replace the string "TEST_1" with "TEST_2" and maintain an overall text count of 1.
- Arguments:
The specified text you wish to enter on the screenx
The X coordinate for the UI Object (0-320)y
The Y coordinate for the UI Object (0-240)
- Returns: Whether success.
bool clearCustomText()
- Description: Clear and delete all custom UI texts from the screen.
- Returns: Whether success.
bool isPro()
- Description: Detect whether the HuskyLens is a Pro or Standard Model
- Returns: True is Pro Model, False if Standard
bool checkFirmwareVersion()
- Description: Check if the onboard firmware is out of date. If it is an old firmware, there will be a UI message that pops up on the screen
- Returns: Whether success.