Nexus Terraform Monorepo Factory

Template repository used to generate a monorepo to test/experiment with VCS related integrations with tfcdev and or TFC/E.


(Inspired by zainq11/tfc-monorepo-1000)

This will generate files, directories, and Terraform configuration that will provision resources for the target environment (controlled by TFE_HOSTNAME Terraform variable)

You can modify/add/change to suit your monorepo testing needs.



  • Have an existing GitHub TFC OAuth Client in your tflocal/tfcdev
  • Have an existing TFC Organization
  • Generate an TFC User API Token

If using Run Tasks

  • Clone tf-testing-mocks
  • Startup with tfcdev stack build && tfcdev stack up
  • Add the outbound-http-proxy following to your atlas docker-compose override file.
command: "sh -c './outbound-http-proxy --dev --config-file config/config.yaml --egress-acl-file config/acl.yaml --allow-address --allow-address $(getent hosts testing-mocks.tfe | cut -f1 -d\\ ):22180'"

Use Template

  • Generate a new repository from this template
  • Clone your new repository to your local machine
  • Make any modifications to ./scripts/ template file to suite your specific needs. Reference tfe-provider docs
  • Run make build, input your options into the prompt. Depending on inputs, will generate x number of directories and Terraform resources to provision a monorepo setup.
  • Check the generated files and configuration to make sure it matches your expectations.
  • Commit the generated files and Terraform configuration and push to your remote repository.

Local Terraform Setup

  • Copy the .auto.tfvars.copy to .auto.tfvars, and fill in the information
  • CD into cloud directory
  • Execute Terraform, terraform init && terraform apply --auto-approve