
Template for a dotnet core app. Includes build tools to allows easy ci-cd

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Template dotnet core console app

🌐 Template dotnet core console app

This makes template dotnet core console app happen

📦 Technology

🚀 Getting started

This project comes with a development container will all the tooling required to build publish and deploy a project. Simply run the following commands to start development in the container.

# bring up dev environment
make build up
# test the project
make test
# run default package
make start
# build the project ready for publish
make publish

To deploy a docker image you can use the following commands

# Build docker images and push to repository
make docker-build docker-login docker-push 
# or just
make docker-publish
# to make an additional release of the docker image for this branch
make  docker-pull-short-tag docker-tag-env env=latest
# to update the deployment call
make deploy env=dev

🛠 Prerequisites

Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

📋 Available make commands

💻 Commands outside the container

  • make up : brings up the container & attach to the default container
  • make down : stops the container
  • make build : builds the container

🐳 Commands to run inside the container

  • start : Run the Template dotnet core console app
  • test : Test the Template dotnet core console app
  • publish : Publish the Template dotnet core console app
  • docker-login : Login to docker registry
  • docker-build : Build the docker image
  • docker-push : Push the docker image
  • docker-pull-short-tag : Pull the docker image based in git short hash
  • docker-tag-env : Tag the docker image based in the environment
  • docker-publish : Publish the docker image
  • deploy : Deploy the Template dotnet core console app
  • update-packages : Update the packages`

💻 Development

➕ Add a project

dotnet new classlib -n TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core -o ./src/TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core
dotnet new nunit -n TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core.Tests -o ./tests/TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core.Tests
dotnet sln TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.sln add ./src/TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core/TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core.csproj
dotnet sln TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.sln add ./tests/TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core.Tests/TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.Core.Tests.csproj
dotnet sln TemplateDotnetCoreConsoleApp.sln list

🔄 Versioning

Semantic Versioning (SemVer) is a versioning scheme for software that conveys meaning about the underlying changes. It's composed of three segments:

  1. Major version (MAJOR): Incremented for incompatible API changes.
  2. Minor version (MINOR): Incremented for backward-compatible functionality additions.
  3. Patch version (PATCH): Incremented for backward-compatible bug fixes.

Updating version numbers:

  • Manual updates to MAJOR and MINOR versions using a versionPrefix variable in the makefile.
  • Automatic determination of PATCH levels based on commit messages in the main branch.
  • Addition of pre-release identifiers for non-main branches, derived from the commit delta between feature branches and the main branch.

To test what the current version is just call

make version

🔄 Development Workflow

Our project adheres to a modified version of the Git Flow workflow, tailored to streamline our release process.

Feature/Bug Branches

  • Creation: Developers create feature branches off the main branch for new features or bug fixes.
  • Naming Convention: Feature branches are named with the prefix feature/ followed by a descriptive name (e.g., feature/add-login).
  • Bug fixes: Branches are named with the prefix bug/ followed by a descriptive name (e.g., bug/fix-login-button).

Main Branch

  • The main branch holds the production-ready code.
  • Changes from feature are merged into main when they are complete
  • The build pipeline will deploy from main to development environments as required


  • Tagging: Instead of creating a release branch, we use tags to mark a new release.
  • Process:
    1. When we're ready to release, we ensure that main is stable and all desired changes for the release have been merged.
    2. We then create a tag from the main branch with the version number, following Semantic Versioning (e.g., v1.2.0).
    3. The tagged commit in the main branch is considered the official release of that version.


  • Hotfixes are created off the v1.xxx tag if urgent fixes are needed in production.
  • Once completed, hotfixes are merged back into both main, and a new tag is created to mark the hotfix release (e.g., v1.2.1).


Question: Can I use this application on Windows or Linux?

Answer: Yes, the application is cross-platform and can be run on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Question: How do I update to the latest version?

Answer: Pull the latest changes from the repository and rebuild your Docker container.
