Unit Test Example

Create Angular App

ng new unit-test-example

Setup for Unit Testing

Karma is a test runner that monitors the files in a project and run the tests that have been defined using jasmine when it detects a change.

Jasmine is a popular unit testing framework that allows test to be defined and evaluated

1. Execute unit tests

ng test 

2. Generate a coverage report

ng test --watch=false --code-coverage

3. Create code-coverage reports every time you test

add the following to angular.json

"test": {
  "options": {
    "codeCoverage": true

4. Set minimum code coverage amount

add the following key from karma.conf.js

coverageIstanbulReporter: {
  reports: [ 'html', 'lcovonly' ],
  fixWebpackSourcePaths: true,
  thresholds: {
    statements: 80,
    lines: 80,
    branches: 80,
    functions: 80

Unit tests

1. Perform a basic test on a component

2. Test a component's data bindings

3. Test a component's response to events

4. Test a component's output properties

5. Test a component's input properties

6. Perform a test that relies on an asynhronous operation

7. Test a directive

8. Unit testing Services
