
(pre-alpha) Clojure client for Rollbar

Primary LanguageClojure


As of May 2024, Rollbar will not be actively updating this repository and plans to archive it in January of 2025. We encourage our community to fork this repo if you wish to continue its development. While Rollbar will no longer be engaging in active development, we remain committed to reviewing and merging pull requests related to security updates. If an actively maintained fork emerges, please reach out to our support team and we will link to it from our documentation.


Clojure client for Rollbar

Work in progress.


(require '[clj-rollbar.core :as rollbar])

; exceptions
  (catch Throwable e
    (rollbar/report-exception "access-token" "environment-name" e)))

; log messages
(rollbar/report-message "access-token" "environment-name"
                        "Something critical happened" "critical")

You can also add information from a Ring HTTP request map, like so:

(rollbar/report-exception "access-token" "environment-name" e
                          :request the-ring-request-map)))

You can use this feature with some ring middleware, like so:

(defn default-handler
  {:status 204})

(defn wrap-error-page
  "Ring middleware"
  (fn [request]
      (handler request)
      (catch Throwable e
        (rollbar/report-exception "access-token" "environment-name" e
                                  :request request)))))

(def app (wrap-error-page default-handler))

One caveat: the request body cannot be read from the request map more than once, unless special care is taken. See this Stack Overflow question for more information.


Copyright (C) 2013 Rollbar, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.