- 2
Scope of current request/person is not included when enable_rails_error_subscriber is enabled
#1167 opened by AlphonseSantoro - 2
Ignoring Items not working
#1160 opened by ricardoinneria - 2
Warning about logger and ostruct in Ruby v3.3.5
#1165 opened by tmimura39 - 10
Swallowing errors on Rails 7.1
#1122 opened by morgoth - 4
Rollbar Gem Docs out of date
#1166 opened by matthewtusker - 4
- 1
Update rollbar.js to latest (from 2.26.1 to 2.26.4)
#1158 opened by jeppeliisberg - 3
Undefined method `params' for #<Hash>
#1159 opened by severin - 3
- 1
- 1
Use The new Rails error reporter
#1105 opened by morgoth - 3
Using ActiveSupport::ErrorReporter
#1153 opened by olegantonyan - 1
- 1
Load rollbar.min.js as local asset instead of CDN
#1123 opened by goulvench - 1
Multiple notifier and one Sidekiq worker
#1141 opened by tim37021 - 2
- 0
- 3
Rollbar.error has less context than uncaught exceptions
#1151 opened by Paul-Yves - 3
- 1
Release 3.5.2 to rubygems
#1152 opened by BrianHawley - 3
Posting items fails serverside with "err: 1: invalid or missing instance"" when using checkignore
#1086 opened by marcusmalmberg - 1
- 4
NameError: undefined local variable or method `arguments' for an instance of xxxMailer
#1145 opened by nov - 4
Deprecation warning in Rack 3
#1134 opened by morgoth - 2
Using rescue_from in ApplicationMailer has unexpected results under rails 6 and rollbar 3.4.0
#1126 opened by fastjames - 4
Deployment notification error with capistrano
#1139 opened by cbillen - 0
Full error reports do not show up in development env
#1140 opened by wulab - 3
- 0
Better DX for submitting dynamic custom data on automatically reported errors
#1130 opened by madejejej - 9
Upgrading Sidekiq to 6.4 causes a warning
#1077 opened by gingerlime - 3
Show request.body of GET request
#1124 opened by ksdputra - 4
sidekiq + async_json_payload is not set
#1088 opened by netwire88 - 0
scope does not like false
#1099 opened by blowfishpro - 0
Submit a `context` without using a scope
#1101 opened by andyhansen - 0
- 0
Redis 5.x no longer implements Redis::Connection::Ruby
#1115 opened by waltjones - 10
- 0
Filtering duplicate events
#1112 opened by nicksterious - 1
Update rollbar.js to 2.24.0
#1076 opened by morgoth - 0
Error when sending error with Rack 3.0 app
#1106 opened by aglushkov - 2
Documentation correction for ignoring items
#1104 opened by wasaylor - 0
- 1
- 1
`warn` vs `warning`
#1078 opened by vfonic - 1
Using. Gloves
#1081 opened by jayjae351 - 1
- 1
I would like to add async engine name
#1075 opened by saiqulhaq - 2
Guidance on how to reduce rollbar internals logging
#1071 opened by hlascelles - 1
Failsafe from rollbar-gem. IOError: "closed stream" in /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/phusion_passenger/utils/tee_input.rb:181:in `size': build_item in exception_data
#1069 opened by ipepe - 3
Failsafe from rollbar-gem. Net::ReadTimeout (again)
#1067 opened by patsplat