
ROllerozxa's .zshrc

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ROllerozxa's .zshrc

This is my personal Zsh config, loosely based off of Manjaro's Zsh config.


  • zsh-autosuggestions
  • zsh-history-substring-search
  • zsh-syntax-highlighting

These plugins are available as submodules in plugins/ for convenience.


First of all, recursively clone it to fetch vendored plugins:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/rollerozxa/zshrc


For Arch-based distributions, there is a PKGBUILD that allows you to build an Arch package out of it. Simply cd packaging && makepkg -fi to build and install the package.

When the package is installed, run install-zshrc-rollerozxa to install it to the home folder of the current user. It will update as the package updates as it is being symlinked and not copied.


Just copy the .zshrc into the root of your home folder. (cp zshrc ~/.zshrc)

Don't forget to install the required Zsh plugins listed in Plugins. If your distro doesn't have the plugins available then you can manually copy the vendored plugins in plugins/ though this is dirty.