
A simple Ruby application with a Dockerfile to showcase Dockerfile best practices

Primary LanguageDockerfile


See https://lipanski.github.io/posts/dockerfile-ruby-best-practices.

A simple Ruby application with a Dockerfile to showcase Dockerfile best practices.

When passed a URL via the url query parameter, the application will parse and return the title of the underlying web page.

Usage: Standalone

Install dependencies:

bundle install

Run the server:

bundle exec rackup

Place a request:

curl "http://localhost:3000/?url=google.com"

Usage: Docker

Build the image:

docker build --build-arg GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx -t my-docker-image:v1 .

Run the server inside a container:

docker run -it --rm -p 3000:3000 my-docker-image:v1

Place a request:

curl "http://localhost:3000/?url=google.com"