
My ZShell configuration

Primary LanguageShell


My zsh configuration


1. Clone the repository

git clone --recursive https://github.com/filipekiss/zsh ~/.zdotdir
cd ~/.zdotdir

2. Link required folders

make link

3. Install Plugins

make install-plugins

3b. Update Plugins

make update-plugins

Speed Profile

To run zprof and check for startup times and see what's slowing the startup down, uncomment the profile sections at the start of .zshenv and at the end of .zshrc and, then, start a new shell.

zprof results


  • Dotfiles - My Dotfiles repository
  • Vim - My Vimfiles repository

filipekiss/zsh © 2019+, Filipe Kiss Released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Filipe Kiss with help from contributors (list).

GitHub @filipekiss  ·  Twitter @filipekiss