
A beginner task management tool that you can Add, Update, and Delete tasks. Mark a task as in progress or done List all tasks List all tasks that are done List all tasks that are not done List all tasks that are in progress

Primary LanguageRust

CLI Task Tracker

CLI Task Tracker Home

The following rust project utilizes rust. I have been learning Rust and when I came across this project on Roadmap Sh it just rang back to my new knowledge. So lets put it into test.


CLI Task Tracker on Roadmap.sh



The release is the easiest way to run this program. No cloning and compiling is required.

Download the binary from CLI Task Tracker

On linux:

  • open the terminal
  • Navigate to the directory where the binary is located
  • Use the command ./cli-task-tracker to run the program

On windows you can just double-click the binary to run it or:

  • Open the command prompt
  • Navigate to the directory where the binary is located
  • Use the command .\cli-task-tracker to run the program


Using Task CLI Example Command

After installing rust

  • Ensure rust is working properly by running
    • rustc --version
  • After cloning navigate to the directory and run
    • cargo run <options> or use cargo run --help for help
  • Or download the binary and run directly on the terminal
  • If you are using linux you can move the binary to /usr/bin for a global effect

Supported commands

  • add <description> creates new task and by default it is marked as todo
  • stage <id> puts the task into progress
  • update <id description> updates a task
  • done <id> marks a task as done
  • delete <id> deletes a task
  • list --status all lists all tasks default is all
  • list --status staged lists tasks that are marked as in progress
  • list --status done lists tasks that are marked as done
  • list --status todo lists task that are marked as todo
  • help lists all the commands


  • Add task
  • Delete task
  • Update task
  • List tasks by status


Feel free to contribute to this project by forking and creating a pull request