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RollingGlory is Company or Creative Digital Media studio based in Bandung, Indonesia.



GloryConventionLint is code judgment for Convention Lint Flutter support IDE Android Studio/Visual Studio Code.  


  • add glory_convention_lint into package.yaml
$ flutter pub add --dev glory_convention_lint
  glory_convention_lint: ^1.0.0
  custom_lint: ^0.2.5
  • add plugin analyzer into analysis_options.yaml
    - custom_lint


Model Convention

Service Convention

Enum Convention

Request Convention

Response Convention

Other Convention



Model Convention Example

Service Convention Example

Enum Convention Example



Model Convention

Model class name convention

Ensure to add Model word at the end of class name in models file

class ProductModel {}
class Model {}

Model file name convention

The file name for models must end with _model.dart


Model file must always be put inside of model directory.

|- data
  |- network
    |- models

Model annotation convention

Add @JsonSerializable() from Retrofit to above your class model name

class ProductModel {
  int? id;
class ProductModel {
  int? id;

Prefer nullable for models convention

Fields of Model class is preferable to have nullable field. example : String? instead of String

  class Product {
  String? name;
  class Product {
  String name;

Service Convention

Service class name convention

Ensure to add Services word at the end of class name in models file

  class GiftServices{}
  class ProductServices{}
  class Gift{}
  class ProductService{} // singular instead of plural

Service file name convention

The file name for services must end with service.dart

  product_service.dart //singular instead of plural

Service file must always be put inside of services directory.

|- data
  |- network
    |- services

Service annotation convention

Add @RestApi() from Retrofit to above your class service name

@RestApi() //RestApi Annotation is added
abstract class ProductServices {}
//Forget to add RestApi Annotation
abstract class ProductServices {}

Enum Convention

Enum class name convention

Ensure to add Enum word at the end of enum class name in the file.

enum AvatarEnum {}
enum EnumAvatar {}

Enum file name convention

Ensure to add _enum.dart prefix at the end of file name.


Enum file must always be put inside of enum directory or network enum directory.

//Network enum directory
|- data
  |- network
    |- enums

//Enum directory
|- data
  |- enums

Request Convention

Request class name convention

Request class always end with "Request", and must use PascalCase.

class GiftRequest{}
class ProductRequest{}

class Gift{}
class product_request{}

Request file name convention

Request file must always end with "_request" and should always use snake_case for file naming.



Request file must always be put inside of request directory.

|- data
  |- network
    |- request


Response Convention

Response class name convention

Response class always end with "Response", and must use PascalCase.

class GiftResponse{}
class ProductResponse{}

class Gift{}
class product_response{}

Response file name convention

Response file must always end with "_response" and should always use snake_case for file naming.



Response file must always be put inside of response directory.

|- data
  |- network
    |- response


Other Convention

Naming Convention

PascalCase CamelCase Plural SnakeCase Examples
Class class ModelResponse{}
Service Class class ModelServices{}
Constant Class class NetworkConstants{}
Extension extension StringExtensions on String
Field int id;
Variable int variable;
Local variable int _variable;
Parameter String param
Method void methodName(){}
Local Method void _methodName(){}
Enum Type enum Status{}

Prefer single class per file convention

Avoid Declaring multiple classes in one file. It is best practice to declare one class in one file instead of multiple of class in one files, to reduce confusion.

-- test.dart --
class One = {};

-- test.dart --
class One = {};
class Two = {};

Prefer static const lang variable convention

Declare variable as static const.

class One {
  static const variableOne = "Value"

class One {
  String variableOne = "Value";

Base response import convention

Both BaseResponse and BaseListResponse must be implemented and imported from rollingglory_codebase When an application communicates to the backend via API calls, we usually receive two type of responses. single object and multi objects. both types need to be implemented in service file, the service file is actually an abstract class that contains a set of methods which is needed in order to get data from API.

class One {
  Future<BaseListResponse<Episode>> getEpisodes();
  Future<BaseResponse<Episode>> getEpisodeDetail();

class One {
  Future<Episode> myMethod();

Prefer one variable for language convention

Ensure to separate the variable that represents a language, one class is supposed to have one variable.

-- languages/id_lang.dart --
Map<String,String> id = {};

-- languages/en_lang.dart --
Map<String,String> en = {};

-- languages.dart --
Map<String,String> id = {};
Map<String,String> en = {};


Incorrect services rules

Visual Studio Code problem reports


Other Information

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