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Milestone 5: Final Deliverables

Your final deliverable for this project will include three components.

System Code:

Push your group's code to this repository, including a README with (1) a link to the hosted system, and (2) instructions to run the system locally. To host the system, Github pages should be sufficient if all you need is a static site (i.e., no database or server-side code).

Video Figure:

Videos should be 2-4 minutes long. Production quality is secondary -- instead, the goal is to demonstrate how your visualization works. This video should show (and narrate) how to interact with your visualization. Consider doing so in the form of a short usage scenario. Consider using Microsoft Movie Maker or Apple iMovie to edit your videos, or just capture a narrated screen recording using software such as QuickTime or similar.

In class, each group's video will be shared. A portion of your grade for this milestone will be based on peer feedback. Watch your classmates' videos carefully and provide helpful critique.

Some example videos:


Your group should also include a short 2-3 page document that includes the following items in PDF format:

  • summary of dataset characteristics,
  • image(s) of your interface, captioned or annotated to describe the visual representation and interaction design,
  • group member contributions. Who did what? This can be in the form of a table or a short bulleted list, and
  • reflections. Did the implementation go according to plan? Did you hit any substantial roadblocks? Did the design diverge at some point from earlier design intentions? Did the team work well together?

Graduate Students Only:

In addition to the requirements above, this document should be augmented to include the following components. The goal should be a draft of an academic paper submission.

  • Introduction: compelling motivation for the project. What problem or deficit does your project address?
  • Related Work: starting with your draft from Milestone 2, augmented with any additional related work you may have since identified.
  • System: starting with the images and system description from the group's document, expand the writing as if you were describing the system features and implementation in a paper.
  • Discussion: a description of any interesting questions or debates that came up during your project, possible directions of future work, etc.
  • Conclusion: a short paragraph summarizing what you built and why it's relevant.

One or two (for combined under/graduate teams) statements per project team due as a push (not just a commit) to github.


  • [20%] System code, hosted, and operational
  • [25%] Video figure
  • [35%] Report
  • [10%] Group feedback (from your groupmates)
  • [10%] Peer feedback (from other classmates)


For all assignments involving written reports, use Times Roman 11 point type with normal margins, 1.5 line spacing.