
rollup-plugin-node-resolve not resolving dependency

brucou opened this issue · 5 comments

This is going to be a pretty easy question, but after reading and rereading documentation, and a thousand different trials, I still cannot get my library to resolve my dependencies.

Directory hierarchy is :

 |-- package.json
 |-- rollup.config.js
 |-- node_modules
     |-- fast-json-patch
     |-- fp-rosetree
     |-- deep-equal

Rollup config file is :

import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import { terser } from "rollup-plugin-terser";

export default {
  input: 'src/index.js',
  output: {
    file: 'dist/transducer.umd.js',
    format: 'umd',
    name: 'StateTranducer',
  plugins: [
      module: true, // Default: true
      jsnext: false,  // Default: false
      main: true,  // Default: true
      browser: true,  // Default: false
      extensions: [ '.mjs', '.js', '.jsx', '.json' ], 
      preferBuiltins: false,  // Default: true
      // Lock the module search in this path (like a chroot). Module defined
      // outside this path will be marked as external
      // jail: '/my/jail/path', // Default: '/'

      // Set to an array of strings and/or regexps to lock the module search
      // to modules that match at least one entry. Modules not matching any
      // entry will be marked as external
      only: [
      ], // Default: null
      modulesOnly: false, // Default: false
      include: ['node_modules/**', "node_modules/deep-equal/**"],

then my code has

import { applyPatch } from "fast-json-patch/"

The fast-json-patch library in its code features a var _equals = require('deep-equal');. In terminal, the error message I get is :

(!) Missing global variable name
Use output.globals to specify browser global variable names corresponding to external modules
deep-equal (guessing 'deepEqual')

As the module deep-equal can be found in node_modules directory, I expect rollup to be able to resolve it. I even ran npm install in node_modules/fast-json-patch to install deep-equal in the node_modules/fast-json-patch/node_modules but that still failed to produce any result.

Note that fp-rosetree is correctly resolved, and fast-json-patch is a commonjs module, as you can guess from the rollup config.

What can I be missing?

I've hit a brick wall with this, tried debugging the source code to little success.

Here is my config

// rollup.config.js
import resolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';

export default {
  input: './src/lib/response.js',
  output: {
    file: './dist/response.js',
    format: 'umd'
  name: '',
  plugins: [
      jsnext: true,  // Default: false
      main: true,  // Default: true
      browser: true,  // Default: false
      only: [ 'node_modules/joi/**', 'node_modules/memoizee/**' ]

My current suspicion is that rollup-plugin-node-resolve is using the input file's root directory to resolve node_modules, but for tonight I can't figure out how to resolve this. (edit: I'm tired, I'm probably wrong.)

Here is my experiment I tried inserting into the source code to correct the id,

const firstChar = importee.charAt(0);
const isRequireModule = firstChar >= 'a' && firstChar <= 'z';
      if (isRequireModule) {
        id = path.resolve(options.modulesDirectory, importee);

for now, I'm stumped.

@guybedford could you shed a little light into how to resolve node_modules relative to the root project directory?

For a little more context, there is no issue using require('foobar'), but when importing defaults with es6 such as import foo from 'foobaror import { default as foo } from 'foobar'

Edit: It seems my specific issue may be unrelated to this, I ended up including the commonjs plugin after resolve, then because there was an issue parsing the package.json of "Joi", I made use of a browserified version of the package.

The code path - needs to be removed. It may be as simple as that one line, setting the importer to the cwd. It will need a test.

I tried to reproduce it and got no errors. Can be closed now.

still having this issue with imported node_modules in default svelte/template app ... uuidv4 needs rng which needs crypto, and it doesn't compile. ugh