This module has moved and is now available at @rollup/plugin-node-resolve /
- 6
[Feature Request] Add only option to external
#245 opened by NE-SmallTown - 1
There are no output files when using resolve
#243 opened by stwic - 2
dedupe & yarn workspaces/lerna
#238 opened by btakita - 1
native modules .node problem
#234 opened by DanielMazurkiewicz - 3
- 11
doesn't work with `rollup-plugin-alias`
#152 opened by hronro - 4
The generated CSJ and ES files in this project do not match, causing the TypeScript definition to not work for CSJ.
#236 opened by MicahZoltu - 10
Add an option to warn when importing duplicate versions of the same module
#149 opened by philipwalton - 10
Rollup Dependencies that Use Node Globals
#163 opened by CMCDragonkai - 2
Resolve errors/warnings with modules
#184 opened by ravecat - 7
browser field of package.json not resolved
#156 opened by AndyOGo - 2
Could not resolve snabbdom-js
#235 opened by shanoaice - 1
[!] TypeError: this.error is not a function
#231 opened by Yonom - 3
- 4
Use async fs instead of fs.*Sync calls
#147 opened by alippai - 5
rollup-plugin-node-resolve not resolving dependency
#172 opened by brucou - 0
sideEffects array is treated as exclusion list
#226 opened by mikeharder - 0
- 4
(!) Unresolved dependencies
#199 opened by Dylanwooo - 9
- 4
[comunity] Issues templates and tags
#214 opened by dima-takoy-zz - 3
Resolve all modules using Node resolution algorithm, but embed only specific ones
#171 opened by slavafomin - 2
Resolve errors are swallowed
#167 opened by chinesedfan - 1
Unable to resolve require of directories
#154 opened by vergara - 4
Using `modulesOnly: true` triggers unresolved dependency even when target defines module entry
#200 opened by natevw - 2
Rollup package axios, can not be used
#181 opened by BlackHole1 - 5
Master branch not published to npm
#169 opened by antstanley - 4
Wiki page linked in readme does not exist
#176 opened by domoritz - 2
Error: Command `rollup -c rollup.config.umd.js && rollup -c rollup.config.esm.js && tsc && ngc` exited with code 1
#148 opened by hemanthbs12 - 7
node-resolve ignoring package.browser module: false
#197 opened by hath995 - 2
Linux resolver
#194 opened by greg-benner-klick-sensei - 4
mainFields funny behaviour
#212 opened by sormy - 2
- 2
Something broken between 4.0.1 and 4.2.2
#208 opened by YuryStrozhevsky - 0
Unresolved dependencies
#205 opened by txs1992 - 1
- 7
- 2
Dependencies not inlined
#178 opened by ericmorand - 1
- 1
`external` is ignored
#193 opened by givanse - 7
- 4
- 1
node-resolve seems to overwrite exports
#173 opened by gergelyke - 1
- 4
- 3
rollup 0.61.0 with rollup-plugin-node-resolve 3.3.0 leads to messed up undefined values
#166 opened by qubyte - 1
why not just `require.resolve()`?
#157 opened by bchenSyd - 3
Strange code after upgrading up from v3.1.0
#155 opened by uNmAnNeR - 7
It looks like to interfere with tree-shaking
#153 opened by molszanski - 3
This plugin breaks source maps
#150 opened by whaaaley