
dedupe & yarn workspaces/lerna

btakita opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Node-Resolve Plugin Version: 5.2.0
  • Rollup Version: 1.23.1
  • Operating System (or Browser): Arch Linux
  • Node Version: 12.11.1

How Do We Reproduce?

npx degit ctx-core/lerna-template myproject
cd myproject
npx degit ctx-core/sapper-template#rollup-plugin-node-resolve-issues-238 packages/web
cd packages/web
yarn run dev

Expected Behavior

Npm packages installed using yarn workspaces should be included in build when using dedupe.

Actual Behavior

could not be resolved – treating it as an external dependency warnings

It looks like the importee does not allow yarn workspaces to resolve the location of the package.

Hey folks (this is a canned reply, but we mean it!). Thanks to everyone who participated in this issue. We're getting ready to move this plugin to a new home at, and we have to do some spring cleaning of the issues to make that happen. We're going to close this one, but it doesn't mean that it's not still valid. We've got some time yet before the move while we resolve pending Pull Requests, so if this issue is still relevant, please @ me and I'll make sure it gets transferred to the new repo. 🍺