WordScheme is a platform for sharing written content. It's designed to help writers of all kinds collaborate and critique each other's work. It can also be used by editors to review work by large groups of people before publication.
- Python 2.7
- python-dev
- postgresql-9.3
- postgresql-server-dev-9.3
- python-pip
- git (optional)
(pip install)
- django
- django-extensions
- django-filter
- djangorestframework
- psycopg2
Very basic steps to get up and running. This is not a Django security guide.
$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres -h localhost
postgres=# create database wordscheme;
postgres=# create user wsdb with password '<PASSWORD>' login;
postgres=# grant all on database wordscheme to wsdb;
postgres=# \q
In the app root dir:
$ echo YOUR_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY > secret_key.txt
$ echo YOUR_DB_PASSWORD > dbpass.txt
If all goes well, this will get you running with the Django development server. Webserver configuration is beyond the scope of this document.
$ ./manage.py migrate
$ ./manage.py runserver <HOST:[PORT]>