Adventours | Natours


Download the project or clone it

$ git clone


  • No Javascript, Custom CSS and HTML only

  • Resolution Switching and Art Direction

  • SCSS - Stylesheet language that’s compiled to CSS

  • Linea Icons - Free iconset designed by Dario Ferrando

  • 7-1 pattern To structure the project

    ├── abstracts/
    ├── base/
    ├── components/
    ├── layout/
    ├── pages/
    ├── themes/
    ├── vendors/
    └── main.scss
  • BEM - Component-based approach to web development
  • Custom Grid - I made it sound fancier than it is!

Install dependencies

$ npm install

To modify and see changes

$ npm start

Once you're satisfied and ready to deploy

$ npm build:css