
Set Goals and track Achievements with iDo

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Set Goals and track Achievements with iDo

Technical stack

  • NodeJS,
  • TypeScript,
  • ExpressJS,
  • TypeORM,
  • MySQL.

Install and setup

MySQL setup

  1. Install MySQL 5.7.x: sudo apt-get install mysql-server
    • Don't forget sudo mysql_secure_installation on Production!
  2. Create the user and the database:
    • mysql -uroot -p and enter your root password.
      This usually requires sudo privileges.

    • Perform following commands (replace %USER% and %PASSWORD% with actual data):

      use mysql;
      create user if not exists '%USER%'@'localhost' identified by '%PASSWORD%';
      grant all privileges on ido.* to '%USER%'@'localhost' with grant option;
      flush privileges;

      Expected: database ido to be created and accessible when logging in to MySQL with credentials from the above.

App setup

  1. Clone the project from the GitHub.
  2. Run npm install.
  3. Create server/creds.js using the shape and the example of server/creds.interface.ts.
    Take the credentials from previous step into accounting.
  4. Run DB migrations: npm run orm -- migration:run.
  5. Check npm run for other possibilities (e.g. server:dev).

Technical notes

  1. For the sake of consistency all the config files are JS with module.exports = {...};. Other config integrates hard into TypeORM CLI.


Roman Melnyk https://melnyk.site