- 4
Excessive memory use with many relations (>500)
#694 opened by DangerDawson - 28
- 3
Broken example code, unexpected auto_struct behavior
#685 opened by pboling - 3
- 3
uninitialized constant ROM::Memory::Types::Int
#689 opened by wilsonsilva - 5
Rails 7.1 incompatibility (Object#with)
#684 opened by palkan - 1
- 1
Fix multiple association block use to prevent ROM::AssociationSet registry error
#683 opened by bkuhlmann - 9
Conflict with notifications relation
#636 opened by alexandru-calinoiu - 0
- 0
Unable to modify the node of a combined assc. when a child of that assc. is combined.
#676 opened by dhnaranjo - 1
- 1
Switch to dry-events
#538 opened by solnic - 7
Batch insert with one INSERT query
#680 opened by paddor - 2
- 3
- 2
Relation doesn't work in repository
#668 opened by nagamine-git - 1
Inconsistency between Time formats in ROM::Changeset::PipeRegistry and ROM::Plugins::Command::Timestamps
#663 opened by Aerdayne - 1
- 0
Decouple Command from Relation
#605 opened by solnic - 4
Simplify Mapper
#533 opened by solnic - 3
Fix Ruby 3.0 compatibility
#622 opened by v-kolesnikov - 2
- 1
- 1
Pass command options to changeset
#596 opened by qortex - 0
Configuration option for struct_namespace
#609 opened by mereghost - 0
- 0
Relax freezing policy for `ROM::Configurable`
#616 opened by v-kolesnikov - 9
- 0
"Quick Start" in README link is a 404
#608 opened by bbugh - 9
Nested combine fails when using views
#568 opened by mrship - 0
Improve AutoRegistration
#607 opened by solnic - 1
- 1
Missing require in repository
#598 opened by qortex - 0
When writing, custom constructors on schema attribute types are called twice, with values of different types
#594 opened by timriley - 0
Quick start goes to 404
#597 opened by dima-takoy-zz - 0
rom-redis is not released on RubyGems
#593 opened by nickpellant - 5
- 0
- 0
Remove implicit convertion in update changeset
#587 opened by flash-gordon - 2
- 1
Links are broken in documentation footers.
#565 opened by alex-oleshkevich - 2
Tests are broken - cannot load such file -- rom/version
#560 opened by DNNX - 0
Plugin API for changeset
#537 opened by solnic - 0
Post rom-mapper merge clean up
#534 opened by solnic - 1
- 0
Improve Plugin API
#535 opened by solnic - 0
Plugin API for repository
#536 opened by solnic - 2
Cannot get struct_namespace to work within a repository
#544 opened by janko - 4
Has many through fails under Rom 5
#540 opened by mrship