
Bakin Gram is a Social Media App where you can share posts and learnings.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bakin Gram

Bakin Gram is a Social Media App where you can share posts and learnings.

How to run the app locally?

$ git clone https://github.com/romabulni/BakinGram.git
$ cd bakinLane-react
$ npm install
$ npm start

Screens in this project

  • Authentication (Login, Signup) Pages
  • Profile Page
  • Home Page
  • Explore Page
  • Bookmarks Page
  • Liked Posts Page
  • Single Post Page
  • 404 (Not Found) Page


  • Authentication using JWT along with form validation for Login and Signup Pages. All the below features are present after login.
  • User can create, edit and delete the post.
  • Image, Video and Emojis can be added to the Post.
  • User can add, edit and delete comment on any post.
  • User can like or unlike any post.
  • User can add or remove post from bookmarks.
  • Home Page where user can see their posts and the posts of friends followed by user. Trending and Latest Feature where user can sort the posts based on maximum likes and by date.
  • Explore Page where all the posts will be visible.
  • Infinite scrolling on Explore Page while fetching posts.
  • Liked Page where all the posts liked by user will be visble.
  • Bookmarks Page where all the posts bookmarked by user will be visible.
  • User can follow or unfollow other users.
  • Profile Page where user can edit their profile. It contains details like Account Creation Date, Avatar, Bio and Portfolio URL. User can edit the profile.
  • User can view the profile of other users as well.
  • Search Functionality with search suggestions.
  • Suggestions with Follow Button on all pages.
  • User can view all the comments of the post on the Individual Post Page.
  • User can share the link of post with others.
  • Loader is shown while the posts are fetched.
  • Alerts in the app to notify the users about success/failure operations.
  • Toogle between Light and Dark Themes.
  • All the screens are Responsive.

Tech Stack and Tools

  • React + Redux Toolkit
  • React Router v6
  • Chakra UI
  • Git For Version Control
  • Netlify for Deployment
  • Cloudinary for Image and Video Storage

Live Link

Bakin Gram

Demo Video
