
Choreographic programming in Scala

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

Continuous Integration


A library for choregraphic programming in Scala.

The implementation is based on the paper HasChor: Functional Choreographic Programming for All by Gan Shen, Shun Kashiwa and Lindsey Kuper, and its Haskell implementation.


package choreo
package examples
package kv

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.IO.asyncForIO
import cats.effect.kernel.Ref
import cats.syntax.all.*

type State = Map[String, String]

enum Request:
  case Get(key: String)
  case Put(key: String, value: String)

type Response = Option[String]

val client: "client" = "client"
val server: "server" = "server"

def main: IO[Unit] =
    backend <- Backend.local(List(client, server))
    clientTask = choreo.run(backend, client)
    serverTask = choreo.run(backend, server)
    _ <- (clientTask, serverTask).parTupled
  yield ()

def choreo: Choreo[IO, Unit] =
    stateS <- server.locally(Ref.of[IO, State](Map.empty))
    _ <- step(stateS).foreverM
  yield ()

def step(stateS: Ref[IO, State] @@ "server"): Choreo[IO, Unit] =
    reqC <- client.locally(readRequest)
    resC <- kvs(reqC, stateS)
    _ <- client.locally:
      resC.!.fold(IO.println("Key not found")):
        IO.print("> ") *> IO.println(_)
  yield ()

def kvs(
    reqC: Request @@ "client",
    stateS: Ref[IO, State] @@ "server"
): Choreo[IO, Response @@ "client"] =
    reqS <- client.send(reqC).to(server)
    resS <- server.locally(handleRequest(reqS.!, stateS.!))
    resC <- server.send(resS).to(client)
  yield resC

def handleRequest(
    req: Request,
    state: Ref[IO, State]
): IO[Response] =
  req match
    case Request.Get(key) =>

    case Request.Put(key, value) =>
      state.update(_.updated(key, value)).as(Some(value))

def readRequest: IO[Request] =
    _ <- IO.print("> ")
    line <- IO.readLine
    req <- line.split(" ") match
      case Array("GET", key) =>

      case Array("PUT", key, value) =>
        IO.pure(Request.Put(key, value))

      case _ =>
        IO.raiseError(new Exception("Invalid request"))
  yield req


This library is released under the same license as HasChor, namely the BSD-3 license.

Please see the LICENSE within this repository for the full text of the license.