POC micro frontends

Primary LanguageJavaScript

POC micro frontends


Local start

yarn & yarn start

and navigate to localhost:3000

Gateway MMP MCM
Port 3000 3001 3002
React version 17 ⚡️🙋🏻‍♂ 17 🙋🏻‍♂ 17 🙋🏻‍♂
Lodash version 4 ⚡️ 4 3
React-router version 6 ⚡️ 🙋🏻‍♂️ 6 🙋🏻‍♂️ 6 🙋🏻‍♂️

⚡️ : loaded with eager: true
🙋🏻‍♂️ : loaded with singleton: true


  • vendors loading
    • Gateway loads react and react-router-dom as eager = vendors are not chunked and loaded synchronously
    • Gateway & MMP use same vendor versions (MCM has a different lodash version). See /mcm/product-list and /mmp/orders
    • MCM's version of react is loaded at the beginning asynchronously. We need each remote to run with its own set of vendors to avoid border effects.
      • multiple React versions? Not possible. We cannot use another version than the shell one without rendering the app with its version. React tells that it is now possible but not straightforward at all especially when dealing with micro-frontend.
    • react-router-dom needs to be a singleton since we rely on v6's descendant routes
    • lodash is not in the shared vendors so all 3 remotes will load its version
  • MCM exposes a Widget used in MMP (see mmp/src/routes.js)
  • /mmp/orders has nested routes
  • if a remote is unavailable, routes are not available. Nested internal routes accessing unavailable remotes will result in an error caught by an ErrorBoundary

Sharing Provider between shell and application

Sharing provider is possible when the provider is configured the following way:

  • if the shell use the same version of the provider library, should do flat pass-through
  • otherwise, not the same version, implement it

You can find this example in this POC. The gateway is using the version 1.0.1 of provider-library like mmp. But mcm is using the version 2.0.0. You can see in the browser which provider is used thanks to displayed application name on Wrapped in LibraryProvider page of each application.