
Turn meeting recordings into shareable content

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Turn meeting recordings into shareable content.

InMotion is a cloud based tool that enables you to quickly select highlights from meeting recordings in an elegant manner, turning long meetings into a shareable video in a few clicks.


Thanks to the breakthrough in machine learning algorithms applied to the speech-to-text field, it is now possible to conceive products relying on near instant generated transcripts. In parallel, more and more meetings happen online, over video chat and are recorded to be shared internally. Video recordings are easy to produce but it takes a significant amount of time to extract and share knowledge out of them. InMotion aims to tackle this with a full cloud based solution.

Watch the video

Full demo video


InMotion's API is built with Go, Postgres, GraphQL, S3 and FFmpeg. The client uses TypeScript, React and Next.js framework.

It also relies on an external speech-to-text API provided by Rev.ai and Auth0 as authentication provider.

The UI is built on top of BaseWeb React UI library.


Storage limitations

Early on, I decided to use Heroku for its simplicity and Docker support. By design, it's not possible to attach any volume to Heroku since their dynos (instances) can be restarted at any time. Each dyno has an ephemeral hard drive. The recommended way to have an active storage is to use AWS S3.

FFmpeg relies a lot on files to perform manipulations. Since I used FFmpeg CLI, rather than a binding, I came up with an elegant solution to pipe in and out of S3 as follows. A FFmpeg command can then use a video on S3 as input and output directly on another.

Unfortunately, some FFmpeg commands still rely exclusively on files and a full download in a temporary folder is required. This limitation does not guarantee reliability in case you exceed the temporary storage available on a dyno.

Another (untested) alternative would have been to use an S3 like files system like s3fs or goofys but Heroku does not support VOLUME mounting.

Schema first (GraphQL)

InMotion has been built in a Schema first fashion. Starting your reasoning with the actual schema used by the client makes the development cycle much quicker. It's easier to spot the critical path required for a feature and then add minimal fields to each type. GraphQL is the de facto query language and is well supported and offers several tools and libraries to achieve Schema first.

While previously working on a GraphQL gateway on another project, I realised how I could enforce strong typing from the schema to the client. By relying on the GraphQL schema introspection feature, I can generate a lot of code out of it, especially TypeScript types, that can be used client-side. It helps to define a strict contract between client and server. GraphQL Code Generator does code generation really well. For InMotion I went further and also used generated code on the API side. Gqlgen is a simple way to implement a GraphQL server in Go. It also stands out for its Schema First feature that I leveraged here, reducing the boilerplate required by GraphQL.

Authentication is hard

InMotion is designed to have a fully stateless API. Designing such APIs is not hard but when it comes to implementing a client as a Single Page Application (SPA) securely it's another story... SPAs as we are designing them today bring some security concerns and implementing a secure flow takes time. Especially if you implement it with the 2 cookies solution described here. The Authorization Code Flow (PKCE) is the proven flow to authenticate a SPA.

I chose to use an authentication provider - Auth0 - for InMotion, to get the Authorization Code Flow out of the box and secure our API.

Go-FFmpeg binding

A couple of Go-FFmpeg bindings have been implemented but none seems to be features complete. I therefore relied on the FFmpeg CLI and exercised it with Go exec package. Using the CLI made it easier to test and deploy for now but it made the application less portable.

Thoughts / Observations


Editing video in the browser without latency is hard. Each manipulation on a video that requires to re-encode the video is slow and depends on the length of the video. For tasks without re-encoding like trimming, you can get near instant results. But, because I wanted to generate transitions between clips, which require re-encoding, I had to make tradeoffs between performance and UX. That's why I chose to trigger the generation of all possible clips up-front in the background (with goroutines). While users check the first result, all other combinations are generated asynchronously and make subsequent manipulations like re-ordering near instant.

Also, to achieve an end-to-end flow from the upload of the raw video to the download of the final cut, I chose to manipulate the video in its initial resolution, meaning that our tool is slow on full HD or 4K resolutions. This allows us to get a download URL ready as soon as the preview is rendered. To cope with slowness with higher resolutions and as an alternative, I could reduce the resolution to generate quicker previews and redo the full encoding of the montage on export.

FFmpeg filters DSL

One of the core features of InMotion is to perform an end-to-end montage of clips with slick transitions. I rely on the FFmpeg extended filtering feature to do this. FFmpeg implements this feature with a filtergraph which is intimidating at first. It's a directed graph represented with its own Domain Specific Language (DSL) as a text. Using a pure text DSL like this makes it easy to use anywhere with strings interpolation. This DSL makes a good example to evaluate when applying streams manipulations in other contexts.

Minio vs. LocalStack S3

Although using S3 is powerful, it's hard to use in a local environment. One easy solution is to use another S3 bucket, but performance can be worse depending on your bandwidth and it costs more money. Another solution is to use a replication of that service locally. LocalStack attempts to do that for the full AWS stack. I started with LocalStack but faced some limitations with the presigned PUT URLs. It's also not friendly to use locally as each file is stored as a JSON representation in a file rather than using the local file system.

Another interesting project is Minio, a native object storage with a fully S3 compatible API. Locally you can use Minio with the official S3 SDK and benefit from the local file system.


For now, only MP4 videos (streamable) are supported by InMotion. One way to handle non-streamable content is to re-encode the video once uploaded to move the moov atom at the beginning of the file.


First, you'll need:

This project's API is ready to be deployed on Heroku directly with git.

Turn on Postgres add-on with:

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Then, you'll need to add the following environment variables:

heroku config:set \
APP_URL="" \
AUTH0_AUDIENCE="<Machine-2-machine audience>" \
AUTH0_DOMAIN="<Machine-2-machine domain>" \
AWS_REGION="us-east-1" \
DATABASE_URL="postgres://..." \

The client can be deployed with Vercel directly from CLI:

cd client/
now --production

Use the client's URL from Vercel as CLIENT_URL:

heroku config:set CLIENT_URL="<CLIENT_URL>"



  • Docker
  • Go 1.13.x
  • Node v12.13.x


You'll need to edit your hosts in order to redirect the inmotion.dev on your localhost.

sudo bash -c 'cat << EOF >> /etc/hosts inmotion.dev api.inmotion.dev

Then start the dev environment with:

docker-compose up

In another terminal start the API:

cd server/
make run

In another terminal start the client:

cd client/
npm i
npm run dev

Open https://inmotion.dev