AMP mass importer


  • Node.JS
  • NPM
  • A steady and reliable internet connection


  1. Create the import CSV file (example)
  2. Install the dependencies via NPM
$ npm update
  1. Copy the example credentials file to the same directory and name the new file credentials.js. Then edit the information inside (API keys, etc.)
  2. Go to the script folder and run the script
$ node ./run.js "/path/to/the/import/file.csv"

How it works

This script will first retreive all the existing metaproperties and create the missing one.

Then each file is pushed to the S3 endpoint. We notify Bynder when the upload is done.

We have to poll every minute or so to verify if the file has been correctly uploaded.

If anything goes wrong during this process, the erroneous job_id is written in an error.log file. If it works the job_id is written into a success.log file.

If a job_id is found inside the success.log, it won't be reuploaded