SFML 2 : Developing 2D Games with C++

Anthony Cardinale, Udemy


Section 1: Fundamentals of SFML and its use with C++
Section 2: Displaying Sprites / textures on the screen and animate them - Creating a hero
Section 3: Triggers, Collisions, Tileset, Tilemap and loading of the game levels
Section 4: Level editor, animated monster, ranged attack and upgrades
Section 5: A bit of practice and some more tips on SFML & C++
Section 6: Practical workshop / Project : The Pong game in C++ with SFML

Software Requirements

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libsfml-dev


SFML: https://www.sfml-dev.org/index-fr.php
Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/sfml-2-developper-des-jeux-2d-avec-cpp-programmation-objet-jeu-video/