

Primary LanguageGo



Turns static files into HTTP responses.


Existing API prototyping and documentation tools are great!


Almost always add a layer of abstraction. There is no standard for this extra layer. This just means more stuff to know and understand.

Are limited to one or two response types.

Lack version/source control.

Someone else made them and I really wanted to reinvent a wheel.


You have a file containing a valid HTTP Response which is publicly available on a supported source (currently: github repo | github gist)

You figure out the proxy url (hopefully there are docs explaining this below)

You make the correct HTTP request.

RAPIP does some routing and fetches your file and answers with the response found in your file.

Supported Sources

Source Method Source URL Proxy URL
github: gists GET https://gist.githubusercontent.com/PATH-TO-RAW-GIST http://gist-github.rapip.mysterious-mountain.stream/PATH-TO-RAW-GIST
github: repos * https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PATH-FOLDER-CONTAINING-RAW-FILES/HTTP-METHOD http://github.rapip.mysterious-mountain.stream/PATH-FOLDER-CONTAINING-RAW-FILES

Github : gists

Gist sources are limited to GET requests. Create a gist (can be private) with any random name and place a valid HTTP Response in it. View the raw gist and copy the url path. Join http://gist-github.rapip.mysterious-mountain.stream and the raw gist path.

You now have a working GET endpoint!

Github : repos

Repo sources must be public (you really shouldn't trust any third party proxy with your private stuff). Create a folder and place a file in it with the HTTP method as file name. (/GET for GET requests,...)

View a raw file on any branch (can be master), commit to leverage source control. Copy the path and join with http://github.rapip.mysterious-mountain.stream. Omit the filename as that is determined by the HTTP method of the request.

You now have a working endpoint for as many methods as you like!

Maybe features :

  • https support (should really add this)
  • some dynamic aspect to responses (request query part can be used to pass keys/values)
  • ....

Related :

language-http for Atom as a writing aid for HTTP responses.

What is mysterious-mountain.stream

It's a cheap domain and has no meaning at all. It is my personal playground.


Your mileage may vary.