
AX Zabbix Trigger Alert HTML Template

Primary LanguageHTML

AX Zabbix Trigger Alert HTML Template

Default Zabbix trigger email alerts is not too attractive. Some tips on how to fix this and do something similar to it:

Alert email:

Recovery email:


  1. Install sendEmail
$ sudo apt-get install sendemail
  1. Find AlertScriptsPath in Zabbix configuration file:
$ cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf | grep AlertScriptsPath
### Option: AlertScriptsPath
# AlertScriptsPath=${datadir}/zabbix/alertscripts
$cd /usr/lib/zabbix/alertscripts
  1. Create new alert script:
$ sudo nano html_email.sh
  1. Paste following or simmilar content, don't forget to fill it with your real SMTP data.
export smtpemailfrom=zabbix@yourdomain.com
export zabbixemailto="$1"
export zabbixsubject="$2"
export zabbixbody="$3"
export smtpserver=localhost # or your SMTP server
export smtplogin=SMTP_LOGIN
export smtppass=SMTP_PASSWORD
/usr/bin/sendEmail -f $smtpemailfrom -t $zabbixemailto -u $zabbixsubject \-m $zabbixbody -s $smtpserver:25  -o tls=no \-o message-content-type=html 
  1. Login to your Zabbix GUI and go to Administration -> Media Types -> Email

  2. Change type to Script and put 'html_email.sh' into script name.

  3. Add next script parameters and click Update:

  1. Open Email alert action tab: Configuration -> Action -> Event source [Triggers] -> Report problems to Zabbix administrators

  2. Copy/paste to Operations Default message content from file templates/alert.html and to Recovery operations from templates/recovery.html

  3. Click Update.