Taproom Frontend Developer Test Project Specific Info

(Also in Taproom Test Readme)


  • npm run start - Starts Gulp watcher on scripts and styles directories.
  • npm run build - Gulp builds the .min files from scripts and styles, but doesn't watch.
  • npm run watch - Runs theme deploy and theme watch on development config.
  • npm run test - Runs Cypress open and will start any tests.
  • npm run deploy-dev - Runs theme deploy --env=development
  • npm run deploy-stage - Runs theme deploy --env=staging

Themkit Setup

To build this project:

  1. Clone repo locally

  2. Install Shopify tooling: Using Homebrew

    • brew tap shopify/shopify
    • brew install themekit
  3. Install Themekit

  4. Run npm install

  5. Set up config.yml

  • Note: settings_data and settings_schema are ignored in snippet below. If you are adding to them from code, uncomment by replacing - with #.
# Password, theme_id, and store variables are required.
# For more information on this config file:
# https://shopify.github.io/themekit/commands/#configure

  password: [your-api-password]
  theme_id: "[your-theme-id]"
  store: [your-store].myshopify.com
      - config/settings_data.json
      - config/settings_schema.json  
  password: [your-api-password]
  theme_id: "[your-theme-id]"
  store: [your-store].myshopify.com
      - config/settings_data.json
      - config/settings_schema.json  
  password: [your-api-password]
  theme_id: "[your-theme-id]"
  store: [your-store].myshopify.com
  timeout: 100s
  readonly: true
  1. Setup Private app to link local dev environment to Shopify
  • Setup Private App
    • Shopify admin => Apps => Private Apps => Manage Private Apps => Create New Private App

      • Enter App Name (Taproom Development) & Contact Email (kelly@thetaproom.com)
      • Theme templates and theme assets set to Read Write access.
      • Save
      • Copy Password

      Gif for walkthrough: Custom App Walkthrough

  1. Add password to config.yml file
  2. Go to Shopify Admin -> Online Store -> Themes -> Actions -> Edit Code
  3. Grab Theme Id from URL
  4. Add Theme Id to theme_id field in config.yml (should be a number)

Gif of walkthrough:
Get Theme Id

  1. Run theme deploy
  2. Shopify Admin -> Online Store -> Themes Actions -> Preview

Test Tasks

For this part of the interview process, we're looking at your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - is it semantic, is it clean, is it mobile-friendly, are you using best practices when writing your code. We also want to see your commit history; we're looking for clarity on how you communicate the changes you're making as requested.

Edit the Debut theme (default published theme) to make the following changes:

  1. Add a "Buy Now" button to the product loop in the Featured Collection section. The button should appear when you hover over the product's image. (During your pair programming session, you'll link that Buy Now button to add that item to the cart via Ajax.)

  2. Create a new FAQs section. The section should have a title and blocks for question and answer. When you click on a question, the answer's visibility should toggle. We're not testing you on your liquid; we want to see how you write the JavaScript to make the questions toggle to show the answer, and we want to see how you style it for desktop and mobile.

You'll have one week to complete this; the sooner you can get the test back to us, the sooner we can schedule your next interview.