
A daily assistant in the hard work of a programmer

Primary LanguageRuby

Dude Gem Version

A daily assistant in the hard work of a programmer

This program helps to combine such services as Jira, Toggl and replace most routine activities with one simple CLI utility.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dude-cli'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dude-cli

After that create .duderc file in your HOME directory by command:

$ dude install

And configure all variables in this file

PROJECT_MANAGEMENT_TOOL=jira - Project management (Now only Jira supported) ATLASSIAN_EMAIL - Your Jira email

ATLASSIAN_TOKEN - How to create Atlassian token: https://support.siteimprove.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360004317332-How-to-create-an-API-token-from-your-Atlassian-account

ATLASSIAN_URL - URL of your project. Example: https://example.atlassian.net

ATLASSIAN_PROJECT_KEY - KEY of your project. If your issues have id BT-123 - BT is the key

ATLASSIAN_BOARD_ID: Just open your atlassian main board and copy id from the url after rapidView=ID part.

Example: https://dealmakerns.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=23&projectKey=DT - 23 is the id

Replace it with your project list names. Skip for empty lists


TOGGL_PROJECT_NAME - Your Toggl project name

TOGGL_TOKEN - Your Toggl API token can be found at the bottom of the page: https://track.toggl.com/profile

TOGGL_WORKSPACE_ID - Can be copied from url here: https://toggl.com/app/projects/. Example: 123456

Use the id and title and specify format for the task titles in Trello or keep it as it is



Using RVM

To run gem in any folder using RVM just install gem to the global default ruby version and add alias to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc (Replace 2.7.2 to your ruby version and/or gemset)

alias dude="rvm 2.7.2 do dude"
Command Required parameters Optional parameters Description
dude install - - Create .duderc file in your home directory
dude checkout ISSUE_ID - Checkout to branch with name "ID-issue-title"
dude track ISSUE_ID - Start time entry in Toggl with issue project, title and id
dude tasks ISSUE_ID - Show all issues in current project (For current sprint)
dude stop - - Stop current time entry in Toggl
dude start - - Do checkout, track and move actions
dude move ISSUE_ID --list=NAME Move issue to another column (Will provide options if called without --list parameter)
dude version - - Display gem version

You also can use dude help for short description of every command.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/npupko/dude.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.