
UnrealEd unofficial patch, fixes procedural sound playback and properties

Primary LanguageC++


Fixes UnrealEd v3369 procedural sound playback and properties.


Put it in /UT2004/System/ folder and run.


File offset can be specified, ie ProcPatch.exe 0x16db2f

Additional Notes:

  • UT2004 v3369 only.
  • Backup your UnrealEd.exe first.
  • After patching Procedural Sounds won't be displayed with ">" prefix anymore.
  • This is unofficial and not really tested patch -- better backup your stuff.

How does it work:

  • Sound browser prefixes procedural sounds with ">" and sound groups with "*".
  • In procedural sounds case the prefix apparently isn't stripped before passing the sound name to other functions.
  • This patch fixes the bug by removing the ">" prefix.

UED Sound Browser bug workaround:

  • By default when you open UED and select ie "WeaponSounds" package, all sounds are listed but the "All" button isn't pressed.
  • In this case Sound Browser may not display Properties window if the sound is located in some package group.
  • To fix, click on the "All" button or select some group.