
UnrealEd plugin, renames multiple tags in multiple objects.

Primary LanguageUnrealScript


UnrealEd plugin, renames multiple tags in multiple objects.

Renaming tags in multiple objects is both error-prone and time-intensive. TagRenamer scans selected actors for variables containing tags and performs one of the actions below on tags found in selected actors.


  • list tag names
  • rename tag names
  • add constant random postfix to all tag names
  • make all tag names unique
  • remove added postfixes



  • Unreal Engine 2, tested on UT2004 and UE2 Runtime

Automatic Install:

  • UT2004 Only!
  • Run the TagRenamer.ut4mod file.

Manual Install:

  • Extract the TagRenamer folder to your main game folder (ie: /UT2004/).
  • Run Game\TagRenamer\Install.bat.


How to run the plugin:

  • To run the plugin click on TagRenamer icon.
  • The icon is located in the vertical toolbar, just below brush builders.
  • The icon looks like trigger box with "REN" written on it.

Example: List custom tags

  • Select actors
  • Start the plugin

Example: Isolate tag/event relationships

  • Suppose you duplicated actors with custom tag/event relationships and want to be sure that original objects wont trigger duplicated objects. There are two ways to do that with TagRenamer:
  1. Fast and dirty.
  • Select actors
  • Select in TagRenamer options action A_AddPostfix
  • Start the plugin

    Random postfix will be generated and added to all tags.

  1. Slower but pretty.
  • Select actors
  • Select in TagRenamer options action A_List
  • Start the plugin

    Tag names will be listed in tag window

  • Select in TagRenamer options action A_Rename
  • Enter names you want to rename and new names in TagRenamer Options
  • Start the plugin

    Only the tags you chosen will be renamed There is full control over new tag names


  • Options can be accessed by right-clicking the icon.
  • [Action] = Plugin action, see below.
  • [bNoSingle] = Tag will be ignored if it was found in only one variable.
  • [bNoDefault] = Tag will be ignored if it has default name (class name).
  • [Names] = Action A_Rename requires that you specify tag names here.
    • [Old] is the name you want to replace.
    • [New] is what it will be replaced with.

How it works:

  • TagRenamer uses a list of known tag variables in actors.
  • The list is in Game\System\TagRenamer.ini file, you can modify it.
  • Each selected actor is scanned for known tag variables names.
  • If tag variable is found and contains a value, it's added to internal list.
  • Once all actors are scanned, chosen action is performed on all found tags.

Action [List]:

  • Default action
  • Tag variables are listed in log window, grouped by tag name.

Action [Rename]:

  • Renames tags in multiple variables & objects.
  • To use this action you have to specify tag names in options.

Action [AddPostfix]:

  • This action will generate one random postfix and add it to all tags.
  • Tag/event links among selected actors are preserved.
  • Tag/event links with unselected actors are destroyed.
  • If tag name already has random postfix, it's stripped before adding new.

Action [AddUnique]:

  • This action will generate random postfix for each tag.
  • Tag/event links among selected actors are destroyed.
  • Tag/event links with unselected actors are destroyed.
  • If tag name already has random postfix, it's stripped before adding new.

Action [MakeNormal]:

  • This action strips postfixes added by action AddPostfix and AddUnique from tag names.


  • There is a very very small chance that non-unique postfix will be generated.
  • Only basic variables can be scanned for tags, things like arrays of tags or special structures are not supported.
  • The random postfix can be stripped by action MakeNormal, AddUnique or AddPostfix only if:
    • nothing was added to tagname after postfix
    • postfix wasn't resized
    • the "_ID" postfix identifier wasn't modified
    • first number of postfix wasn't changed to 0


Automatic Uninstall:

  • Available only if installed with TagRenamer.ut4mod
  • Run UT2004\System\Setup.exe
  • Select TagRenamer and click next.

Manual Uninstall:

  • Run Game\TagRenamer\Uninstall.bat.